
Chapter content

∥ A P O C A L Y P T I C

E V E N T ∥


The next apocalyptic event will come at precisely 479:50:02

Name: Fire and Ice


● An intense scorching heat that would melt any inhabitant and players alike.

● An intense heat that could go up to 60 degrees Celsius or more.

● exposed for 1 min. = skin blotching/melting

● exposed for 5 min. = DEATH

Affected: All Race

Non-affected: Non-Living Things, Beasts, Monsters, Animals, Nature

Last: 96 hrs.

● An intense biting cold that would freeze any inhabitant and players alike.

● An intense freezing cold that could go down to -60 degrees Celsius or more.

● exposed for 1 min. = skin chapping/breaking

● exposed for 5 min. = DEATH

Affected: All Race

Non-affected: Non-Living Things, Beasts, Monsters, Animals, Nature

Last: 96 hrs.

∥ E N D ∥

Well, thank goodness it wasn't a hail of ice, snow, or fire that would burn and freeze everything to the ground. It turned out that it was just going to be a temperature change.

Panicking in this situation wouldn't do me any good. I needed to have a cool head at all times if I wanted to think of a way to survive this.

"Do you know what's going to happen in the Apocalypse?" Amara asked as soon as we were out of town, temporarily forgetting about Edwards and the approaching dangers on our backs.

"We'll talk about it once we get back home. For now, let's hurry onwards," I replied to her.

"That is . . . if we get to your place alive," said Jin, brooding and sulking at the side.

I didn't comment and walked ahead.

"By the way, how did you even acquire a territory, Cross?" Amara asked.

"Through Tokens and a series of lucks," I said simply.

"How far is your territory from here?" Jin butted in. I saw that his face was uneasy, and his eyes wouldn't settle in a single place like there were something following us.

"Around a week from here if we hurry."

"A week?" Jin's eyes popped out of their sockets. "Then shouldn't we run or at least ride a horse? We can't dally here! The Apocalyptic Event might be upon us!"

I couldn't blame him if his personality changed from being a cool, passive, and silent guy to becoming a nagging mother hen.

Jin, at least, was making things lively. Thomas couldn't speak, while Lina was too lazy to even utter a single word. And Amara would rather keep everything to herself. 𝗯𝐞𝐝𝗻𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐥.𝐜𝗼𝐦

"Relax, will you? Do you see me panicking?"

"That's what worries me. You're making light of the whole situation."

"I'm just keeping a calm attitude which you should adapt as well. You're a thief, right? Shouldn't you be level headed at all times?"

Jin sulked and whispered to himself. "I would be if Lina wasn't here."

"Let's just hurry into the forest," I said to them.

"Is there something in the forest?" inquired Amara, a bit hopeful.

I only smiled at her. "You'll see."

We reached the first forest after hours of traveling. It was already afternoon when the leaves crunched beneath our feet.

"Cross . . ." Jin suddenly said, voice and face serious.

"I know."

"What is it?" Amara was baffled as to why the air suddenly turned tense.

Thomas let out a low grumble while Lina equipped her gun.

"Keep walking," I said and pulled Amara by the arm.

"What's going on?" asked Amara. "Is it Edward's men?"

She had her answer when we reached halfway through the forest, and rains of arrows and magic spells suddenly attacked us out of nowhere.

I didn't need to move since Thomas had it all covered. Giving him the Grendelkin's Mana Core proved to be the right choice. He even acquired the Grendelkin Rage meter.

It was a pity that the Grendelkin's INT was only 40, so he still couldn't speak.

Thomas's hands and legs blurred as he broke dozens of arrows with just his limbs while he took most of the magic attacks with his body without suffering much damage.

Jin was protecting Lina like always by deflecting arrows their way with his knife while avoiding the spells.

Lina didn't need any protection, though, since she could perfectly take care of herself. The shot from her gun could deflect any attacks, be they physical or magical attacks.

"Just what is he?" I heard Jin muttered while his eyes briefly shot at Thomas.

Even Lina was looking at my ghoul in a weird way. On the other hand, Amara appeared like she was used to it.

When the arrows and magic stopped, soldiers in horses and metal armor appeared from their hiding place. They didn't even bother to hide the emblems on their horses and breastplates. They came from house Volmont, of course.

"T-that's . . ." Jin gasped, sweat tickled at the side of his cheeks. "Volmont's Knights. All their major ATPs have already passed five hundred. They also equipped the finest equipment . . ."

He shook his head and said in horror, "We're so doomed."

I see . . . I felt flattered that Edward disposed ten knights just to kill four noobs.

"What seemed to be the problem, soldiers?" I asked, faking innocence.

Instead of answering, the leader approached us and looked down at me from his high horse.

"Give that woman to us, and we will grant you a swift death.

My head tilted to the side. "Maybe if you let us through, then I would grant you a swift death. How about it?"

The corner of the soldier's lips rose. "Have it your way, then. Men! Kill them!"

A loud growl rattled the leaves, and before they could react, Thomas was already holding the head of the Knight in his hand.

A heavy silence descended from both parties, and before the others could react, Thomas went ahead and butchered his next opponent.

I laughed as Thomas leaped from one Knight to the next, biting the knights' exposed skin and clawing out their hearts from their metal plates.

"Your ATP might be more than five hundred, but my General here has 1500 STR. Even your armors are like butter against his strength."

"O-one thousand . . . five hundred?" Jin couldn't believe what he had heard. He then looked over at Thomas like he was some kind of a god. "How did that happen? Isn't he just a noob?"

I couldn't blame him if he was shocked. They would soon find out that Thomas wasn't to be messed with.


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