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On the vast deck, there were only two people, Herrag and Dino, and the sound of the waves crashing against the ship kept coming and going, especially urging people to fall asleep.

Herag sat cross legged in serious meditation, not knowing how long had passed, when suddenly Deep Blue signaled someone approaching.

He opened his eyes and found Dino standing in front of him, looking at him.

Dino spoke up and said, "Your spiritual power is very stable, and the quality of your magic is also very good, indicating that you are practicing meditation well."

"Thank you for Mr. Dino's praise," Herag stood up and said.

Dino seemed quite interested today and turned to lean against the side of the ship, saying, "Your step-by-step and down-to-earth cultivation is the best. Don't rush for success. Look at Figar, although his spiritual strength is very high, it is extremely unstable. This strength obtained through extreme means will eventually backfire."

"Thank you, Mr. Xie Dino, for your guidance," said Herag humbly.

"Is your meditation related to astrology?" Dino pointed to the sky and said.

"That's right."

Dino nodded and said, "I can see that this kind of dark idea is usually not easy. Keep going, young man!"

In the following days, Herag came to the deck to meditate, often asking Dino some questions, and Dino generously answered them one by one.

After getting to know him, Herrag found out that Dino had been at sea for over eighty years.

The ships under his feet have all changed to the sixth one, and the first five have been destroyed due to various accidents.

Every time I go to the Karaga continent, I bring some wizard apprentices. Accidents have happened frequently over the years, and several times the wizard apprentices on the ship have been completely destroyed. The sea is full of unknowns, and no one knows when accidents will come.

Half a month later, there is only one month's voyage from the Karag continent.

Herag sat at the bow of the ship, blowing the sea breeze, feeling particularly comfortable.

"There's a problem," Dino sniffed the sea breeze and frowned.

"What's wrong?" Herag saw Dino's solemn expression and had a bad premonition in his heart.

The night sky, originally filled with stars, suddenly shrouded in dark clouds. Moreover, the ships were shrouded in a gray mist at some point, with extremely low visibility.

"Stop the ship!" Dino gave the order and the ship slowly came to a stop.

According to his memory, Herag groped towards the bow of the ship and saw Dino standing at the bow, holding a compass like object in his hand.

"Mr. Dino, what's going on?"

Dino sighed and said, "I've encountered the Lost Sea Mist. I don't know when it will dissipate."

"Lost in the sea mist?"

Dino explained, "Lost sea fog is a relatively rare phenomenon at sea, and once a ship is shrouded in lost sea fog, it will lose its direction. The space inside the lost sea fog is chaotic, and if a ship navigates recklessly, it is likely to go to unknown places, with extremely serious consequences."

"What should we do then?" Herrag asked.

"Wait!" Dino felt a little helpless, "The Lost Sea Mist will dissipate automatically, but no one knows the time. Some Lost Sea Mists can last for a few days, while others can last for decades..."

"Decades..." After understanding, Herag understood the current predicament.

No ship can carry enough fresh water and food to support decades.

After the ship stopped, other people in the cabin also noticed abnormalities, and many people ran to the deck.

Dino briefly told them about the current situation, and several wizard apprentices were a bit uneasy. On the contrary, the sailors looked indifferent. In their eyes, Dino was a god and nothing could stump him.

Three days later, the fog still did not dissipate.

Dino did not act recklessly and remained in a state of observation.

Five days later, fog still shrouded the sea.

The people on the ship also underwent some changes, and many began to become restless and restless.

There have been more than one fights between the wizard apprentices in the past two days, and one wizard apprentice was seriously injured by Figar.

If it weren't for Dino's intervention to suppress the crowd, the fight might have escalated further.

For safety reasons, Herag and Lillian have been staying together these days to avoid being alone and facing danger.

Mist not only blocks vision, but also reduces a person's perception ability, making even the operation of magic more obscure.

Herag and Lillian seemed very crowded in the same room, and they couldn't sleep anymore. Both of them used meditation instead of sleeping.

Herrag found that even in the midst of fog, he could still perceive the stars in the sky and distinguish directions.

He told Dino about this matter, but for safety reasons, Dino decided to wait a little longer.

Navigating in the fog is too dangerous, even knowing the direction is still very dangerous.

In the midst of the fog, the space is disorganized, and the east in the previous second may turn to the west in the next second. It would be best to wait until the fog clears automatically.

Half a month later.

The atmosphere on the ship became extremely subtle, and the prolonged fog caused many people to become very depressed and their emotions became increasingly irritable.

The fog showed no signs of dissipating, and Dino arrived at the fourth floor.

"Herrag, come with me and try sailing today. If you stay any longer, I'm afraid there might be a problem," Dino said with a serious expression.

Herag nodded and said, "Alright, Lillian, come and find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan.com. You can come with me."

He can't leave Lillian alone on the fourth floor, it's too dangerous. There is fog blocking it, and if encountering danger, it cannot be detected immediately.

Herag and Lillian have been in good shape lately, at least they can talk and chat, occasionally joking, and life is not that difficult.

The others are all alone, confined to their rooms every day, surrounded by unknown mist and immense mental pressure that even wizard apprentices cannot bear.

The three of Herag arrived at the captain's cabin. After sensing it, Herag pointed to the back and said that this was in the northwest direction.

Dino nodded and started the ship, controlling the speed very slowly to cope with various unexpected situations.

Herag was fully focused on sensing the four stars, constantly judging whether his direction had deviated.

"The direction has changed, and now the northwest direction is over there," Herag pointed to the left and said.

Dino remained silent and immediately adjusted the direction of the ship's navigation while steering.

After sailing in the fog for more than ten hours, the surroundings suddenly lit up.

Herag opened his eyes and found that they had arrived at the normal sea area.

He looked behind him and saw that the area where the fog was located was no longer visible.

"That's great!" Dino exclaimed, patting Herag's shoulder.

Herag sat down on the ground, and he also breathed a sigh of relief.

The direction was constantly changing in the fog, and he had to maintain a high level of concentration. After walking out, he only felt particularly tired.

Dino immediately took out a map and a compass like positioning tool, and then said, "We were still in the place where we first encountered the Lost Sea Mist, fortunately we didn't walk to any strange place."


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