
Chapter content

Theo inspected his inventory, finding the reward from Fenians quest sitting there. He removed the knife from his inventory, grimacing at its appearance. It was a short, ceremonial blade with too many jagged points leading up the length made of a dark metal he didnt recognize. He inspected it before leaving Azrug to his celebrations.

[Drogramath Alchemy Knife]

[Alchemy Equipment]


Ornate knife used by disciples of Drogramath.


Using this knife to harvest herbs will reveal nearby reagents.

The knife would streamline his harvesting process, allowing him to find those plants that hid from his sight. He wondered if the blade could detect something underground, but left that for another time.

Theo left Azrug to his excited dances downstairs, stuffing his new artifices in his inventory and running upstairs. He noticed Fenian gave him three [Alchemical Grinder Artifices] and an additional [Flame Artifice], no doubt encouraging him to expand his distillation setup. The stills were finished with their runs by the time he got up and he cleared everything away. With the essences in his inventory, he checked to see the fit on the grinders. The artifice he pulled from his inventory seemed too large to fit on his stills, but as he brought the item near, it magically shrunk to fit the rim.

I have some really cool stuff to show you,

Theo said, communicating his thoughts to Tresk.

I hope its some [Rogue Cores],

she said.

Youre gonna freak out,

Theo said.

Cant wait. Im making Luras cut this run short so I can come see,

Tresk said.

Theo converted a barrel of [Purified Water] into [Stabilized Water], and stowed it away in his inventory. He gathered the rest of his reagents to perform the explosive reaction, but stopped at his [Glassware Artifice] before heading down. He stuffed the [Glassware Artifice Upgrade Mote] in the slot and watched as the machine threw off a bright blue light. It blinded him for a moment, but when the light faded, it seemed unchanged.

[Glassware Artifice]

has been upgraded. New features added.

It was a simple enough system message, not explaining exactly what happened. He inserted an [Earth Mote] into the slot and thought about a large, 100 unit flask. The artifice wobbled on the spot for a moment before another message appeared.

[Glassware Artifice]

has 4 more charges left.

Not only did the artifice now directly deposit the flasks into his inventory, but it could create five-times as many pieces of glassware per mote. He focused his mind, touching the machine and imagining four of the same 100 unit flasks. The artifice hummed, wobbling again, before the message appeared.

[Glassware Artifice]

is out of charges.

Theo inspected his inventory, finding five flasks in his inventory. He whistled, shaking his head at the improvement. This would streamline his process, removing the need to feed the thing motes constantly. He set his mind on obtaining better upgrades for his equipment, something that would increase the charges again. He pushed these goals aside and left for the gravel yard out back. Azrug held his hand out as he left, and Theo tossed him two copper coins.

Without Theos high [Wisdom] stat, he wouldnt have been able to remember the exact recipe for the leather processing potions. He worked with methodical precision, laying out his flasks and measuring everything down to the tenth of a unit before introducing the [Stabilized Water]. A stream of smoke shot from the first 100 unit reaction, the one that smelled of shoe polish, then the next. The reaction was absurdly efficient, but costly in terms of the water. For every unit of essence, the alchemist needed 50 units of [Stabilized Water]. The result was him snatching more barrels from the lab and making a run down to the river to create the solution. He realized he had an absurd amount of essence left over and returned to the lab to stow it away in the [Large Dimensional Storage Crate].

Theo now had 500 units of [Stripping Solution] and [Alchemic Tannin] for Perg. As he was leaving to deliver the items, he found Ziz and his group of laborers waiting. The alchemist invited them to join him down at the tannery, and they obliged. The group seemed excited about what was next to come, but he didnt want to get their hopes up. His plan was to dump the last of his gold to lay claim to the northern section of the parcels and establish the stone block production facility, but there would be stipulations.

Finally, Perg said. She was standing in a mostly demolished building, the rotting wood laying in messy piles on the ground. I assume this is the delivery of my potions?

Theo withdrew 10 flasks from his inventory, each 100 units of their respective solution. He set them on the ground and nodded. This should hold you over, right?

Eager to keep me out of your hair? she asked. Yes, will do. For now. Ive been buying up every hide I can, but Im almost broke.

Me too, Theo said.

Theo turned on the spot, beckoning for the laborers to follow him. They reached the farm before he spoke. I have the seed cores. But were going to need to define our terms.

Down to business, huh? Ziz asked, ascending the farmers hill with the alchemist. We just want a fair shake.

This is an


investment for me, Theo said. I need a three gold return, over time, if this is going to be worth it.

Ziz sputtered. Thats obscene, isnt it?

The cost of the land, and the seed cores, Theo said. Plus something so I can make a profit. I want to renegotiate our original deal.

What do you have in mind?

The group approached the northernmost section of the farms, affording them a view of the hilly land that stretched in all directions. The towns wall stopped twenty paces from where the farms ended. According to his administrator map, everything he could see from this spot would be incorporated into the town, giving him full ownership of the parcels. At the foot of the crags was where he wanted to establish the stone processing area. It seemed stupid, looking back on it, to assume this would be profitable. But ridding the town of its muddy roads would be worth it.

Your first step is to cut enough stone to pave the town. Get someone to tell you the quality of the stone, and how we can export it. Do people even buy stone? Theo asked.

They do, Ziz said. Not everything in a city relates to them being core towns. Roads that go from town to town also need to be paved by hand.

Well, its better than nothing, Theo said, descending the farmers hill and leaving through the northern gate with his laborers close behind. As far as ownership of the land, you cant have it. Not all of it, anyway. Youre working as laborers until the debt is paid. You owe me three gold coins. Once I get that money, from the sale of the stone, Ill section off a parcel that includes the quarry, and the stonecutter's workshop.

Thats steep, Ziz said.

Who knows, Theo said, shrugging. How much do you think a trader would pay for blocks in bulk? Well, thats for you guys to figure out.

He opened his administrator map, departing with the last of his gold.

[Broken Tusk]

can be expanded to the

Northern Parcel

for one gold. Funds will be removed directly from your inventory, or nearest dimensional container in your possession.

Expand Broken Tusk? [YES/NO]

Theo gave his consent, and the ground rumbled beneath their feet. The stone wall appeared around them, snaking its way up the hills before looping back around toward the main part of town.

Im broke, again, Theo said, shrugging.

The group approached the foot of the rocky hills. A small section of land, flat enough to hold the first building, was the perfect spot for the workshop. Theo withdrew the [Stonecutters Seed Core] from his inventory, relying on his superior intuition to see him through the process, and jammed it into the ground.

Well want to step back, Theo said.

The core was charged already and didnt require additional [Monster Cores]. The group watched as a building grew from the ground. Stone blocks pushed their way through the earth, joining with a sloped, shingled roof to create the squat building. The process took only a few moments, but the result was amazing. A small workshop was attached to the side, reminding Theo of Throks blacksmithing shop. The laborers stood in awe.

Theo repeated the process for the [Quarry Core], this time simply setting it near the jutting crags and stepping back. The hills flattened out for 100 paces in every direction, the ground shifting under their feet. A small, wooden booth jumped up from the ground and settled in among the stone. The alchemist inspected the quarry, first.


Owners: Belgar (Theo Spencer)

Faction: [Broken Tusk]

Level: 1 (0%)

Rent Due: 7 days

Stone Quality: Perfect



If the stone quality is anything like my potion quality, thats an amazing sign, Theo said.


quality stone.

He inspected the workshop next.

[Stonecutters Workshop]

Owners: Belgar (Theo Spencer)

Faction: [Broken Tusk]

Level: 1 (0%)

Rent Due: 7 days



The workshop was nothing special, but it was a start. Theo added all 5 laborers as workers to the two core buildings and turned to them. Ziz was thinking about something, the gears in that head turning rapidly.

So, were not leasing this from you? Ziz asked. Were workers until we pay it off?

Right. I need you to show me that this place wasnt a mistake, Theo said. You have a [Stonecutters Core], right?

Yeah, Ive hewn blocks for a living. I have a few skills, Ziz said.

Theo couldnt tell if the Half-Ogre was mad about the arrangement, or not. He felt like a taskmaster, rather than a generous benefactor. But he wouldnt give the people of Broken Tusk handouts, not when he needed money as much as them. He wouldnt hand them a business, counting on them to fail for whatever reason. Theyd be forced to make it profitable through sweat, and hard labor. Once they paid for the cost of the buildings, and his time, hed hand the two buildings over to Ziz.

Just a moment, Theo said, taking Fenians crystal out of his inventory. Ill settle the question of cost.

The alchemist held the crystal tight in his hand, focusing his mind. Unlike Miana's crystal, he didnt fall into a strange void to communicate. Fenians voice simply entered his mind.


Fenian, I have a question about stone,

Theo said.

Im friends with a dealer in the northlands. Surprised you contacted me so quickly, though. Ask away,

Fenian said.

The group of laborers were busy inspecting the new buildings, leaving Theo to chat in peace.

I started a quarry. Hired someone with a [Stonecutters Core]. How much can we get for blocks?

Theo asked.

It all depends on the quality of the stone. If you planted that [Quarry Seed Core], you should be able to see the quality,

Fenian said.

The quarry says Perfect Quality,

Theo said.

Perfect? Youre sure? Perfect stone is rare. I assume you own the land this stone is on?

Fenian asked.

I do. How much would people pay for perfect stone blocks?

Theo asked.

Assuming your man can cut them properly, Ive seen them sell for 15 copper a block. Wholesale, which is how youll sell them. A stone merchant would offer you 15 copper per block,

Fenian said.

A decent stonecutter could do 50 blocks in a day. Nothing to sneeze at.

Seems like I just invested in a cash cow,

Theo said, laughing. The laugh came out, not transmitting through the crystal.

Whats a cow?

Nevermind. Thanks for the information, I appreciate it,

Theo said.

Consider me your insider, for all things trade. Until next time,

Fenian said.

The Elf cut the connection. Theo stowed the crystal away and approached the quarry, where the laborers were standing. He cleared his throat, gaining their attention again. The alchemist looked up at the midday sun, nodding to himself before speaking.

Figure out how to work the stone, Theo said. Stop by The Newt and Demon tomorrow and let me know if you found a way.

I know how to work the stone, Theo, Ziz said, narrowing his eyes. We could start now, if we needed.

Alright, then. I want you working the quarry tomorrow. Craft as many blocks as you can. Ill stop by at the end of the day, Theo said. He didnt want to reveal the cost of the blocks if they couldnt produce them. My merchant friend will judge the quality. Hell tell us a fair price.

It was a lie, but Theo didnt feel bad. He didnt want the laborers to get it in their head that they were sitting on a gold mine. Ziz seemed to agree with this proposal. The Half-Ogres were always eager to prove themselves.

Well show you, boss, Ziz said. Youll see what we can do when you set us loose.

Theo produced a single silver coin from his inventory and handed it to Ziz. A few days wages, and whatever you need to commission from Throk.

We wont disappoint, Ziz said.

I know.

Theo turned on the spot and left them there, rolling the numbers over in his head. The venture would be profitable in a month, if they held a decent pace. If the Half-Ogre team went beyond the 50 block a day pace, it would make even more money. The alchemist wasnt focused solely on profit, though. His mind stayed with the idea that the people of Broken Tusk needed to stand on their own, although his alchemical intervention had put them on their feet. The stone working business was a test of Zizs abilities.

Tresk returned to the shop before Theo, mentally telling him she arrived. Luras was waiting with her, equally excited to see what the alchemist bought for his Tarahek. He took the long way back, following a path along the river, then up through the gravel yard in the back of the shop. The Marshling pestered him the entire way, but he dismissed it. She was bouncing up and down when he entered the shop, Luras standing nearby with a grin on his face.

Show me! she shouted, grabbing his robes with both hands. The suspense is killing me!

Now, you need to know the backstory before I hand this over, Theo said.

Tresk screamed. Show us the core!

Theo withdrew the [Assassins Core] from his inventory, a grin spreading across his face. The orb was made of metal mesh, concealing a pulsating black swirl of energy in the center. The power it put off was sinister, and alluring. Tresk took it in her hands and gasped. Luras strode over, inspecting the core, and his eyes went wide.

A legendary core? Did you sell the entire town for this? Luras asked.

Not quite, Theo said, grinning.

Tresk held the core in front of herself. It stirred, rocking for a moment before darting inside her chest. Wreaths of black smoke consumed her, swirling for a long moment before vanishing. This is amazing, she gasped, vanishing from sight.

The Marshling reappeared at the foot of the stairs, a stupid grin on her face. All my abilities are stronger. And I get a bonus to [Dexterity]!

Im full of gifts today, apparently, Theo said, withdrawing the [Leatherworkers Workshop Seed Core] from his inventory. He held it out for Luras.

Seriously? I thought you were joking, Luras said. The land was enough, but this?

Theo never thought the big Half-Ogre could get emotional, but he looked to be on the verge of tears. The alchemist clasped his hand on his shoulder and smiled. I made a deal with Fenian. He gave me a great discount on all this stuff, but I spent all the gold I made.

You what? Tresk asked.


tell me you at least got to hold it before you gave it away. Ive never seen a gold coin, let alone four of them.

It was six gold, actually, Theo said with a shrug.

Six! she shouted, stumbling dramatically. You spent


gold today? Im gonna faint.

Youre not very good with money, Luras said, shaking his head. Youre giving it away as quickly as you make it.

Nonsense, Theo said. Come upstairs, look at my new toys.

Tresk and Luras followed him upstairs. Tresk whistled, then shrugged. She pointed at the artifices sitting atop the stills. I have no idea what those are.

Theo explained how the shredders would improve his efficiency, removing the tedious mashing process from distillation. He had to explain it a few times for the Marshling to understand and he suspected that her excitement for the new core was too much.

Very nice, Theo, Luras said, nodding. Youre getting good at this.

Oh! You got [Monster Cores] from him, right? We should use those, Tresk said.

I have a feeling it's going to send the place over level 10, so I want to wait until Im not so tired, Theo said. Its a big decision, especially if it gives me new options.

It might not, Luras said.

Well wait. Theres just too much excitement for one day, Tresk said, peering out the window. I say we get dinner started.

Thats where

have the surprise, Luras said, grinning. Nothing worth even a single gold coin, but I think youll like it.

Luras produced a handful of small red pods and held them out. They looked like scaly cherry tomatoes. Theo inspected them.

[Fire Salamander Eggs]

[Alchemy Ingredient] [Food]


The egg of a fire salamander is said to contain its raw potential


[Flame] ???? ????

Theo grimaced. I dont think Ive ever had lizard eggs. Isnt there some moral quandary here?

Tresk bristled.

not a salamander. Anyway, theyre super spicy.

Theo perked up at that. He loved spicy food back on Earth. Any chance he got, hed stuff his face until he was sweating and crying at the same time. I assume one of you knows how to prepare it.

Luras nodded, holding his hand out to Tresk. She handed him her copper skillet and retrieved a [Flame Artifice]. Theo took a seat and watched as he seared a few wolf steaks, flipping them once before setting them aside. The Half-Ogre retrieved water from the [Purified Water] barrel, deglazing the bottom of the pan and adding something the alchemist didnt recognize.

Zee flour, Luras said, noticing Theos confused look.

Yet, no bread, Theo said, his shoulders slumping. The comment went unanswered.

Tresk chopped a large portion of [Swamp Onions] off to the side. The liquid within the pan came to a boil and bubbled away for some time. Luras dutifully adjusted the heat, bringing it down before chopping the wolf steak into chunks and introducing it into the mix. The Marshling plopped the onions in when she was done chopping, staring at the mixture with hungry eyes. They worked as an efficient team, something Theo imagined was common in the dungeon.

Now for the best part, Tresk said, tossing five [Fire Salamander Eggs] in with the shell intact.

Luras broke the eggs with his wooden spoon, small gouts of fire shooting up to lick the ceiling. The liquid inside the pan turned a vivid red and resumed bubbling away. The Half-Ogre stirred it occasionally, each motion filling the air with a spice that stung Theos eyes.

Have some water nearby, Luras said, nodding. This is a bit of a delicacy, but not everyone can handle the spice.

Luras dished out three plates, handing Theo his portion and grinning. The first thing that came through in the smell was the spice. Before the fall on Earth, there were places that would ask you for a spice level. It usually went from 1 to 10, but this was a 15. Between the salamander eggs, and the zee flour the sauce was thickened into a gravy.

Here goes nothing, Theo said.

Spicy food usually took a moment to coat his mouth, leaving room for the flavors to take hold. Spice created by the [Fire Salamander Egg] apparently held nothing back. It was as though fire spread across Theos tongue, moving instantly to cover every part of his mouth with its burning heat. His eyes watered immediately, sweat forming on his brow, and he gave the thumbs-up to his friends.

It's good, he wheezed.

Tresk and Luras laughed, taking the first bite of their food. They both experienced similar effects, crying, sweating, and laughing their way through the first few bites. By the time theyd eaten a few pieces of wolf meat, they were in the thick of it. Every concern in the world washed away, their thoughts dominated by the impossibly spicy food. The meal went on in relative silence, the only sounds coming out of the group were wheezing, coughing, and laughing. None of them went for the water.

That was so good, Tresk said, wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes. She mopped her brow and let out a contented sigh.

The group dripped [Cleansing Scrub] over themselves and every surface that the food touched, preventing the spread of the spice to their skin. Theo couldnt remember the last time he had food this hot. It would have been before the nukes dropped, but that was a distant memory driven further by the salamanders egg.

We need to do this more often, Theo said, falling into a fit of coughing.

I never took you for a masochist, Luras said, beaming. The spice seemed to affect him less, but the results were present.

Theo finished coughing, smiling at his companions. Its like all your worries wash away. You cant think of anything but the spice.

I love it! Tresk shouted. Once a weekat least!

Their conversation moved away from the meal briefly before Luras excused himself. Theo and Tresk spent time in the lab, talking about nonsense for a while before they pressed their foreheads together. The Tarahek core was on the verge of hitting level 5. It would be exciting to see what strange ability they got once it hit the threshold.

Time to go to bed, Tresk said, yawning. I cant wait to test this new core out.

Theo went with her to the bedroom, laying in his impossibly comfortable bed. He was tired after the meal, and he was happy to see that it was sitting well in his stomach. It was a good thing that Dronon physiology was agreeable to spicy food. It was even better that having spicy things was even an option. He laid there for some time, Tresks loud snores filling the room before he fell asleep. When he finally drifted off, it was with a feeling of contentment.


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