
Chapter content


I tried to touch my newly appeared body but my hand just passes through.

Apparently it hasn’t materialized.

It’s transparent, But realistic.

It looks like AR technology that exceeds holographic.

There’s another realistic body underneath it.

『Character creation after reincarnation has begun』

Please select race.

As such, A three-dimensional character is displayed.

「It looks like a game… Excellent futuristic type… Is it my own character’s creation?」

I raise my hand to touch the floating item “Race Selection” while muttering to myself with a smile.

In that instant, The surrounding white space is transformed into a huge three-dimensional screen.

From the white space, A world abundant with nature is being generated.

As if drawing a picture on the huge campus.

Unique creatures were being created in succession, Just watching it was delightful.

A wide variety of character species gradually appear in front of my eyes.

When I extend my hand to the character and touch it there is a strange feeling and The information for the character that I touched is displayed in a window.

A realistic 3D image.

Can it still be called an image if you can feel it? Although while I think doubtfully, It moved, The character virtually walked.

~I memorize the sight of it moving in excitement.

When you move the left or right hand the window moves.

This seems to be like a Sci-Fi movie and My hand is like a controller.

Even the subtle touch of a fingertip is taken into consideration.

Even if I order it with my voice, It recognizes it properly and moves.

~Suuu This is realistic.

It surpasses the experience of Xbox One Kinect…. Even wearing the PS4 head-mounted VR display is completely exceeded by it.

Is this the feeling of VRMMO’s in novels?

There is a work which made full use of three-dimensional images in a movie but…

On the screen, Data is transferred and returned in various ways, I choose racial information to select one to examine.

Human Race, Beast, Elf, Half-Elf, Lava Khan, Dark Elf, Half-Dark Elf, Sebari, Sebupu

~Phew. Ogre, Goblin, Mermaid, Gnome, Dwarf, Ancient Dwarf, Half-Dwarf, Draconic and Lizard Man.

Ape Man, Demi human, Giant Bull, Cyclops, Sensible.

Vampire, Dhampir, Kushanan(?) [クシャナーン], Ssali [ソサリー], Lamia, High Elf etc.

So many to choose from, It will take a considerable amount of time…

I continue moving my left and right hands, confirming a racial figure.

Quickly, I move my hand.

Surprisingly there’s also a cockroach race among them.

It reminds me of a manga called Tera- something.

(TN: Terra Formars – thanks uzzi)

「Among these you can choose any race, There’s no need to worry this degree of flexibility is freedom-packed」

I choose Human race to try and The details appear.

I touch again to get more details.

And then.

※Notice※Please Read※

This appeared.


Racial characteristics are incorporated as new permanent skills.

The racial characteristics you are absolute, Although the racial characteristics need to be related to the race, There are a large number of choices.

Not everyone has permanent skills? What!?

The details for the Human race are displayed afterwards.

Race: Human

Average Lifespan: 48~

Racial Characteristics: Crest of Growth

Permanent Skills: None

(TN: Damn… Humans there are pretty short lived and have like no skills eh?)

※There are a variety of tribes in the Human Race. 𝒃𝙚𝙙𝙣𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙡.𝙘𝙤𝙢

It is mainly known as the Human Race and It’s said that there are many man-made tribes.

The territory of the Human Race Tribes are distributed over a considerably spacious area, There are Human Race Tribes even in the far distant lands.

But there also exists unexplored land that mankind doesn’t inhabit.

The Human Race who boasts the largest population, Has an aristocratic society with slavery at the core and A monarch such as an Emperor or Empress at the apex.

And when there is a war between countries, A power struggle between royalty and nobility runs rampant within, As a result a civil war develops.

And the country being destroyed because of such a situation constantly occurs.

In large Human cities, There are a number of Guilds, Guilds develop while constantly improving themselves in friendly competition.

It can be said that the Human race’s biggest advantage is it’s freedom of profession choice.

It’s said that the Human race has the favor of 【Skill God Refoto】, Perhaps because there are almost infinite number of fighting professions.

Furthermore, Depending on ones efforts, Ranking up a fighting profession is possible.

It may be correct to say that the diversity is infinite.※

According to this description, The society is similar to a middle ages from the modern times.

Nevertheless, The Skill God Refoto is the god of employment?

Anyway, For a precious different world reincarnation, Choosing the same Human race is uninteresting.

Next is the detailed information of the Goblin.

I select Goblin.

My character model is limp and Deformed.

The face resembles me a little, But it has transformed into the form of a goblin monster with an ugly face.

「Uha… Ugly… Too realistic」

Race: Goblin

Average Lifespan: 15??

Racial Characteristics:

Permanent Skills:

※Goblin-Tribes are also scattered in the continent and inhabit as much land as the Human Race.

Also Goblins with different delicate appearances, Shapes and habits exist. Basically there are a wide variety of Goblin tribes in unity. An area is ruled by a monarchy, The ruler of the area is either a Goblin Lord, Goblin King or Goblin Emperor, Depending on the rival male population.

It will probably be similar to the Warring States turbulent period when the militaristic faction develops.

In some areas the goblins, Thanks to a Hobgoblin or High Goblin, Are able to completely exterminate the Human and Demi Human races in a certain area. In some areas there also exists goblin politics.

Most of the goblin tribes believe in Demon King Todogu.

The ecosystem can be spread frequently through breeding, As it is scattered, Their greatest strength is that they can easily spread in anyplace.※

A Goblin King seems strong.

The politics of Goblins are also very interesting but…

Even so, It’s rejected due to appearance.

Next, I choose a Vampire.

When I choose, The character image changes from a Goblin appearance to a human appearance.

It looks Human in appearance, But the canine teeth are sharp and protruding.

The skin is pale and The eyes have changed to a deep red.

「Red eyes and pale face」

Moreover the belly fat has completely disappeared.

It seems that the entire body’s muscles have been enhanced.

(TN: lol making that buff character)

I try looking at the details.

Race: Vampire

Average Lifespan: ??

Racial Characteristics:<Secretive Demonic Night Race>:

Permanent Skills:

※It’s said that the blood-sucking God Rugunado created Vampires, But it’s not for certain.

In the Human race society, Vampires are ridiculed by the Humans and demi-humans as a “Demonic Race” and Are always a target of oppression by them.

They’re not complete immortals, But as long as their weaknesses aren’t targeted, They are an immortal undead.

If you can manage to use

you can use the shapeshifting ability to change your appearance.

Their greatest racial characteristic would be the physical ability and magic ability increase, Compared to the ordinary human race they have overwhelming physical abilities and magic abilities.

However, If they do not ingest blood, Plasma deficiency will lead to mummification.

When they mummification is completed, Capability declines extremely and The appearance changes entirely to that of an elderly man or woman.

However, Mummification doesn’t destroy the body.

Vampire society is formed secretly underneath human society.

『At any rate, The blood of the human race is a gourmet food… The people who intend to destroy us, We’ll baptize in sharp fangs and blood as a demonic race of darkness』

(TN: Oh no! I feel my chunni acting up again…)

With those words it’s a scary description.

But it’s a demonic race? That’s good, I like the dark feeling.

With the shapeshift ability, Can you really change your form?

To try, I touch.

※Shapeshift Ability※


, It can transform itself various creatures of darkness such as bats and crows, The amount of transformation creatures increase with growth

It was displayed in three-dimensional characters as expected.

I also touch the Secretive Demonic Night Race.

※Secretive Demonic Night Race※

Darkness magic can be used to absorb darkness attributed attacks.

Oh~ Darkness attribute magic absorption? Nice.

Next I try blood sucking.

※Blood Sucking※

Sucking blood has a weak hypnotic effect on the partner, Personal physical ability is slightly raised and Magic ability is slightly raised, However, After a day

passes without sucking blood, Capability slightly falls, After seven days pass without sucking blood, Mummification gradually occurs.


Although abilities rise, Sucking blood is something like a weakness?

Next I touch hyper intestinal absorption.

※Hyper Intestinal Absorption※

The intestines consume all nutrients and neutralize toxins, Also Magic Energy absorption rises significantly.

Having their own enteric bacteria, Vampires able to adapt to all environments.

Wow, They have great intestines.

I also touch the likely weaknesses.

※Solar Flame Body※

When in contact with sunlight and ultraviolet light, It spontaneously ignites, After bathing too much, The body turns to ash. The Undying ability is unrelated.

※Light Extinguishing Body※

Upon receiving a light attribute attack, The portion which is attacked burns, If it is a powerful light, The entire body is annihilated. The Undying ability is unrelated.

There is also a complete weakness with these characteristics.

Next I touch permanent skills to check it.

※Permanent Skills※

This is a skill that is constantly invoked.

It continues to be activated lasting for eternity.

I see, This is like a passive skill commonly found in games!

Next, I touch True Shinso Bloodline, To check it.

※True Shinso Bloodline※

Charm and Mental strength + Revision.

When the blood of virgins is acquired, The power of the True Shinso Bloodline is released, Which is said to have been produced by the Blood-sucking God Rugunado.

After releasing, Skill fusion integration is stimulated, The integration has two steps, In which Charm and spiritual value is increased and you acquire an exclusive skill.

※True Shinso Bloodline※


The power of the True Shinso is released after drinking the blood of virgins.

To try and drink the blood of virgins seems difficult to me.

(TN: I wanted to write “Seems hard to swallow” but…)

I check the following.

※Demonic Charm Eyes※

Charms a person with a lower spiritual level or under certain conditions.

This is not absolute, When conditions overlap, Rate of success rises.

Intelligence, Charm and Mind are related.

When looking at it this way, Vampires have a lot of weaknesses, But also high abilities.

Vampire or…..

「This race seems interesting, It’s one of the candidates.」

Next, Let’s see Dhampir.

My floating three-dimensional character starts changing somewhat.

The fangs have disappeared, As well as the pale skin.

The appearance is entirely similar to a human.

As for the surplus fat disappearing and the thin muscular body, It reminds me of my high school prime.

The muscles seem to be building up the same as the vampire.


Race: Dhampir

Average Lifespan: ??

Racial Characteristics:

Permanent Skills:

※The Dhampir is more rare than the Vampire.

The creature that inherits the properties of both the Vampire and Human race.

It’s called a Half Vampire or Dhampir.

The restriction of blood isn’t different from a vampire.

It is immortal, But easily assimilates into the human race because it’s semi-human.

However, They’re targets of suppression and persecution by the Human race in the same way as the Vampire, They can also walk during the daytime.

Because they have the same appearance as the Human race, Their real nature is rarely discovered.※


It’s like the Vampire, However shape shifting is impossible, There are also very few weak points.

Dhampir is good but…

I liked the Vampires from older movies.

But blood is a problem.

I don’t want to attack ordinary people and take their blood.

It would damage my conscience.

Or would my “Heart” change?

In order to live, I may change mentally.

I check other races while having sweet wishful thinking.

Well, After all I would like to be in contact with other people and Would also like to be special.

This is the only thing I have.

If it means to stop being human…

My free life has begun anew, I don’t mind it particularly.

I’ll live sucking blood, Psychopathic Cheers!

I choose the Dhampir with no lifespan.

And touch the OK button.

When it touches.

My realistic three-dimensional model revolves in place and moves, I make a bow.

Below it “Dhampir race was chosen” is displayed.

Also, Characters of other races which have been displayed three-dimensionally, Like a waterfall cascade down and Disappear in sequence.

While the characters cascade down, The following characters floated.

※Next please select four extra skills※

※Note※Please read※

The skill is special, Which makes it an extra skill.

It is a specific skill that is extremely rare.

Furthermore, An extra skill has an affinity.

There are times when it chains with another skill and other extra skills, Causing multiple links and Will evolve with growth, You’ll also have to learn special skills to derive variations

Because just possessing even one extra skill, Makes you a very rare existence, Please think and act accordingly.

However, The precious extra skill is only a story in “The world of a person”

There is an infinite variety and great diversity in the world.

However since you don’t know the world of reincarnation schedule, Please learn it.

(TN: I’m lost here, Help?[ 但し、貴重なエクストラスキルも、それはあくまで“人の範囲”での話です。 千差万別、多種多様な世界。])

※There is a time limit※

※Please select the extra skill within 15 minutes※

「There’s a time limit…」

After the message, The character is displayed like a waterfall again.

A digital clock was displayed in the right corner.

And, All the skill names are displayed.

「In any case, Extra skills are pretty rare, Can I choose four from the beginning or…」

Oh, It’s for life after reincarnation, If I’ll benefit from it I’ll choose.

From the large amount of Skill names displayed in three-dimensional space, I quickly select skills I may be able to use, I chose quite a lot.

Language Comprehension, Baptism of Meridia, Crest of Light, Wave of Seputon, Lineage Mark of Ashura, War Cry, Cerebral Demon Spine Revolution, Keen Eye of Schaffer, Divine Protection of Holy Spirit, Tears of Aria, Tsutomu’s Torrent, Crest of Fire, Gaia’s Dawn, Demon Slaying Mind’s Eye Technique, Mind’s Eye of Illusions, Immortal’s Magic Eye, Hand of the Lord of Wind, The Miko of Arts, Magic Revolution, Chain Factor, Bonfire of Nokuta, Wings of Repentance, Charm Bond Solution, Clairvoyance, Star of Rebura, Lorelei’s Carved Seal, Demon Eyes of Boshiado, Persona of The Mad King, Founder of Super Technique, Stinger of Semia, Meteor Shower of Uraniri, And so on.

(TN: It’s amazing how many motrin I’m gonna need after this ^^)

Two minutes have passed.

Most of the contents haven’t even been seen.

There are more to choose from, But they are countless and It takes time to see details individually.

(TN: Two minutes!? That was more like 15 minutes of trying to figure out just what the hell you were saying! >_


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