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Chapter 845 The Last Battle: Creating A New Future  -----

From time immemorable, Samsara existed. He was once, like many in this Universe, a mortal. His existence came before the Universe was even born, a small speck of dust within the infinity beyond the Universal Horizon, belonging to a small Universe that was being destroyed, devoured by the endless Abyss of the Sea of Emptiness, where a large part of this Dimension\'s Universes floated.

He was the last of his kin, after his entire planet was devoured by a Black Hole, he and his crew managed to escape their home planet through their Magic Technology, only to be engulfed by the end of the Universe itself, a catastrophe that should had killed him.

However, as if it were a coincidental miracle, the moment his Universe was devoured, a new one was spontaneously born in the same place, a Universe emerged, and three pillars governed it. The One, Chaos, and Azathoth. While trying to survive on his highly advanced space suit, he saw the destruction of his Universe and the birth of a new one. His mind was filled with endless cosmic knowledge, as the cosmic energies that spread across the Universe bathed him with their deadly radiation.

His body, however, adapted to it and ended absorbing such a cosmic radiation, enhancing his powers, and turning him into… perhaps the first God to have ever been born in this Universe. When Samsara woke up, he found himself terribly alone.

His family, his friends, his world… everyone had perished.

He was alone, despite being in a new Universe filled with so many new life popping out of the planets spread across the near endless and ever-expanding Universal Bubble… He felt alone, more alone than anybody.

"Mother… father… Sister… Ahh… I am alone… I am… Why? Why am I alive?"

Samsara was filled with sorrow as he looked into the endless Universe that was born. For an eternity, he continued to aimlessly float, without even thinking about anything else than his sorrow.

The three pillars noticed his existence since the beginning, and The One spoke to Samsara after eons have passed. They sensed within him incredible potential, but if he strived towards the wrong path… he could become a threat to all life in the Universe.

"What is your name, voyager from beyond?" Said The One, enlightening the mind of Samsara.

"W-Who are you?" Asked Samsara.

"I am a pillar of this Universe. I go merely by The One… Tell me now, what is your name." Said The One.

"My name… Samuszahra… It means bright eyes." Sighed Samsara. It was a name originated from his own home world\'s language.

"Samuszahra, your power is beyond what any mortal had yet to achieve within this universe… Do you understand the capabilities you possess?" Asked The One.

"Capabilities?" Asked Samsara. "I am merely… nothing now… What are you talking about?"

"Listen to me and calm yourself, you must remain calm. Your powers are dangerous, please, behave calmly and listen…" Said The One, detecting a sudden growing frustration from within Samsara.

"Calm down? My entire world died, my entire universe… everything! I lost everything and you\'re only worried that I might destroy your Universe?! After all… I am really alone." Sighed Samsara, as he suddenly stopped floating aimlessly across the universe.

Samsara suddenly detected the energies of the universe flowing everywhere, and from within them, he saw strands, strands that had endless souls being poured into the universe, traveling all across the Universe. This was the first time he saw something so glorious… He only had to open his eyes and see it.

However, within his inner self, after everything he once had was broken down into pieces, what remained was someone cold-hearted and ruthless, without finding a reason to live without any of his family, or even his world, he found that the only purpose he could have now was to… dominate this universe and shape it as he desired.

Perhaps one day, if he gained enough power, he could recreate his home world, and revive his family… As long as he could grasp this energy, and the souls flowing everywhere, one day, he might find them… the souls of his family and friends.

"Don\'t worry… I will not destroy this Universe…" Said Samsara. "I will merely make it mine."

"What?!" Asked The One, incapable of seeing through the future, as Samsara was someone from another Universe, his existence couldn\'t be seen across the Fate of this Universe! "You… What do you intend to do?!"

"I will find them… The souls of my family and friends… And I will revive them one day…" Said Samsara. "But meanwhile… I will take over this Universe."

"You\'re serious about such a ridiculous thing?!" Roared The One.

"What gives you the right to question me so much? I see… So pillars are just arrogant and selfish beings that only care about themselves and their universe… I can see why you couldn\'t even empathize with me… Nobody can." Sighed Samsara. "I am alone on my path."

"Wait, what are you doing?!" Cried The One, as Samsara\'s hands stretched into these strands transporting souls, and his powers began to take over them…

"I will make my own family, and I will make this… my home."


Samsara\'s powers could not compare to the pillars, but it had an incredible affinity with Souls, using such a power, he controlled the Soul Strands that transported souls freely across the Universe, and took over them, making them his Transmigration Cycle of Souls.

Using his powers, he dominated every world with life and used such a cycle to take over their souls, as the souls flowed across the cycle, they generated a residual energy which he constantly absorbed and used to nourish himself.

Over the eons, with nobody to stop him, he continued to expand over most of the known Universe, only leaving the farthest corners untouched by his "family". However, even though eons have passed and he had personally checked almost every soul that had gone through his Transmigration Cycle… he never found his family, nor any friend.

Where could they had gone to?

As he realized that their souls might had stranded into the outside of this universe, he attempted several times to leave, but the Universal Membranes were incredibly powerful, and it seemed impossible for him to pierce through them with his current power.

At the end, he gave up for now, and decided to grow strong enough to be freed from the shackles of this Universe, and to one day find the souls of his beloved ones, the only thing he had been so fixated over eons.

Over his long life, he discovered the truth about the Primordial Origin Fragments, pieces that belonged to "the true history of mankind", an ancient tale said that these fragments belonged to the true world that once existed, the first to have ever existed, which due to a battle between the powerful beings that governed it, shattered into countless fragments, expanding a single world into near endless timelines, dimensions, and universes, with endless parallels.

However, those parallels who held a strong resemblance to the original "True History of Mankind" often were said to hold a Primordial Origin Fragment, which could bring incredible strength to the one that could get its hands into.

Realizing that the world known as Kosmos possessed such a fragment, over time, he slowly prepared to invade it and acquire it, he thought that this fragment could be the key for his strength to raise to the point he could compare to the Primordial Deities, and therefore, become capable of escaping this Universe and seek the souls of his beloved family.

And he continued growing stronger while generating a bigger and bigger army. He created his elite, the Primordial Celestials which he even feed with stars to grow powerful and stronger…

But now, as he finally tried to get what he wanted, his hopes were shattered into pieces in an instant. Samsara grew furious against the entity before him, the one child between the pillars he despised so much, Veronica and Ervas.

Without having any more troops to send, he decided to take matters at hand, he unleashed his truest power and his enormous hand crossed through space and time, descending into the world of Kosmos. This was an enormous waste of his energies, but he was confident that nothing in here could go against him, he pushed his hand down, he was going to crush the world\'s earth and then take the core by himself.

If he could devour the core, he would be able to turn the tables on his favor, destroy this world alongside the child of the primordial pillars of the universe, and finally escape this universe to find his family\'s souls!

"I won\'t give up… When the key to everything I\'ve been working for is right in front of me!!!" He roared.

However, the primordial children won\'t allow it.

"Samsara, you\'re driven by emotions after all." Said Ervas. "It seems that you\'re no different than us, huh?"

"However, there is no empathy for someone like you." Said Veronica. "Through the memories we have seen from the Celestials, you\'ve commanded them to devour countless stars and planets, killing countless innocent lives…"

"From all the monsters in this Universe, you\'re the most despicable bastard." Said Aurora.

"Hah, as if your speeches could ever accomplish anything! Your stupid power awakened or not, I am still vastly stronger than you- EH?!"

Samsara muttered in shock, as he suddenly found something shocking, his arm… was gone in an instant.

"W-Wha… Aaaagggh!"

Samsara pathetically groaned in agony, his gigantic arm capable of flattening entire planet\'s surfaces was gone in an instant, as if it was never there!

"We don\'t stand a chance, you say? The power we have unlocked… is greater than you believe." Said Ervas.

"Traits are truly a wonderful thing, isn\'t it?" Asked Veronica.

Traits… the power that Primordial Deities possessed, and their children… They were inherent powers within the very Origin Core of a living being, it allowed them to completely ignore the laws of the universe, or even the dimensions themselves, an absolute power.

And the Trait that the Split Souls awakened within their shared Origin Core was…

The power of…

"[Absolute Control]" Said the two voices together.

Suddenly, the entire universe around 50 kilometers within their vicinity warped to their command. Absolute Control was the legendary trait born from the child between two Primordials. With enough power and energy, it allowed them to manipulate and control anything within 50 kilometers around them. The universe itself moved to their will, and used its power to attack Samsara!

Naturally, his entire arm was destroyed into a subatomic level, and completely gone out of existence… or well, it was partially devoured as well, giving the split souls enough power over the Transmigration Cycle of Samsara as well.

"We\'ll do what our parents couldn\'t do due to their restrictions…" Said Ervas.

"And get rid of you!" Said Veronica.

"Then let\'s go!" Said Aurora, teleporting them towards Samsara himself!


Within the golden realm of Samsara, a beautiful paradise covered in jungles and gold buildings, Samsara was left shocked as he looked in front of him what had emerged… it was them.

"Y-You can teleport to my Domain?!" Asked Samsara in utter shock.

"It wasn\'t so hard." Answered Ervas expressionlessly.

"It was all thanks to Aurora, a factor you seem to never consider…" Laughed Veronica.

The enormous figure made of gray energy flew towards Samsara, as they saw within his realm countless spiraling wheels with many souls, trillions of souls constantly spiraling and moving to countless other worlds, it was a wondrous sight filled with phantasmal and soul energies.

"You fools… Do you truly believe you can stand a chance inside of my Domain?! I am the ruler of souls of this Universe! I will destroy you here, and acquire the power of your Trait!" Roared Samsara, without even thinking about negotiations, he unleashed the power of his entire Domain, as rays of bright golden soul light emerged one after the other, reaching the split souls within mere splits of a second!


Within the Realm of Samsara, he was the one that governed supreme, everything within it obeyed his will and thanks to the power he acquired from the transmigration cycles, he had near endless energy, making him an incredibly formidable foe to face within his own world. His powers were even able to slightly negate the split souls\' trait, as this domain wasn\'t the universe by itself but his own extension of his soul, something that he had full authority over!

…Well, almost.

"Funny, that would had completely vaporized us before." Laughed Veronica, as she emerged unscathed from the rays, the phantasmal gray body had now grown a menacing black and white armor over their gigantic body, so strong and powerful it easily protected them from the soul-vaporizing beams of Samsara.

"W-What…?! Impossible… You can\'t just survive those attacks! With them I could even kill Galaxy Realm souls! How come you… What sort of metal can resist my powers?!" Asked Samsara.

"A metal formed by the materialization of a Galactic Dao Essence." Said Ervas.

"G-Galactic Dao? Higher than Cosmic Dao?! How come… you achieved such a level! Even my own Daos have not…!" Cried Samsara, his powers were obviously fueled with the power of his own powerful Daos, even including Cosmic Daos, but they were all blocked by this wonderful armor that Veronica and Ervas wielded with themselves!


However, the split souls didn\'t heard his words, rushing towards him in an instant, their enormous arms suddenly multiplied several times, as dozens of claws began to fall over Samsara\'s enormous figure, a tall and bearded man made of pure golden light! He quickly put into a defensive stance, generating a barrier with his powers!


Their enormous claws slashed through the barriers of Samsara constantly, breaking apart his defenses! Samsara gritted his teeth, without being able to believe his foe to be this powerful! He began to slightly despair deep down, he couldn\'t believe that he was so close to death after so long.

After having dominated the entire universe with his transmigration cycles and everything else! How come he was going to fall now from all times? It was simply utterly ridiculous!

"No… I can\'t… Die here!!!" Samsara roared, as he unleashed an enormous shockwave of soul power that slightly pushed his foe back, the split souls glared down on him hatefully, pointing an open palm at him.




The power of destruction suddenly hit Samsara, as his entire body felt like it was resisting an indescribable force that was attempting to completely destroy his very being, to completely tear him apart into pieces and make him disappear!



However, Samsara resisted with sheer strength as a being beyond Galaxy Realm, as his entire soul began to cycle around and recover the damage he was taking, quickly moving away from the area where the split souls had attacked, and then materializing billions of Soul Blades which he fired against them!



The blades showered over the split souls, slashing and piercing through their strong armor! However, the armor constantly regenerated itself as well through their power!



Their armor began to regenerate at an insane pace, as it was being covered by the light of creation itself! Samsara couldn\'t believe that the child of The One and Chaos had inherited both of their primary powers, The One\'s Creation and Chaos\' Destruction, and had mastered it to this point so quickly!

However, it wasn\'t simply because they were talented.

"H-How are you able to already master Creation and Destruction to such an extent?! T-This is utterly impossible in such young beings such as you!" Said Samsara.

"Master it? Well, we simply used the System your dear son created for us to enhance it using System Points until it hit max level and proficiency." Said Ervas nonchalantly.

"W-What… The System that Hekaton created?!" Askes Samsara. "S-So you\'ve been using the power of the System this entire time… That explains why you\'re so good at refining and absorbing energies, and growing this strong so fast…!" Samsara was enlightened in that regard, but this didn\'t changed a single thing.


The split souls reached him through teleportation from behind, swinging an enormous Dimension and Soul-Severing Blade, the same sword that Hekaton had once forged with the powers of his divinity to make the weapon become capable of slashing through any souls!

Veronica had been using this blade ever since, replicating it and reinforcing it countless times until this point where it has become a weapon capable of damaging the soul of a Galaxy Realm entity such as Samsara!

"Unnggh…! T-This blade of incredible quality… It emanates the power of this Galactic Dao!" Muttered Samsara. "Just what… Dao is it?!"

"Is it so hard to tell? Combine the colors and meanings of both our parents." Said Ervas. "Light? Dark?"

"Ah…! Y-You created a new Dao?!" Asked Samsara.

"Old news." Said Veronica, slashing through Samsara\'s arms and slicing them once more!



Samsara cried in agony, as he unleashed a beam of soul against the split souls, but they got the time to grab his two arms and eat them all while escaping from his beam by teleporting behind him once more!

"I saw that coming!" Samsara laughed, as an enormous Soul Blade emerged from behind his back, attempting to slash the chest of the split souls!


However, what Samsara sliced was merely a decoy made out of their residual phantom which quickly dissipated into thin air!

"W-What?!" Asked Samsara in shock.

"I assumed you would predict that!" Said Veronica, falling from above Samsara and swinging her gigantic Scythe! Samsara struggled, fought back, and tried to defend, but this scythe falling from above was too strong, his barriers broke, and the space around him was not letting him teleport, as if his foe had completely dominance over it!

And seeing how things were slowly turning hopeless, Samsara revealed the pathetic man he truly was.

"W-Wait! We can compensate this! I can help you! W-We don\'t need to fight one another!!!"

"Come again?"

"Listen to me! I\'ll give you anything! Power? Sure! Souls? All the ones you would want! I-I will give you all the Cheat Skills, all the Items! J-Just let me and I\'ll do it! You don\'t have to kill me!"


"If you kill me… Countless worlds will be lost! They will be left without souls to handle their life, children will be born dead without souls, you\'ll bring doom to many!!!"

"We have already resolved that."


Samsara then realized something, he was way too weak for a being of his caliber… But why? It wasn\'t simply because of his foe\'s strength. No, there was another factor.

All the transmigration cycles around the Universe, they suddenly stopped belonging to him.

His soul had suddenly been disconnected from them, and they were all now connected to the split souls\' soul, they were managing them!

"S-Since when?!" He asked in disbelief.

"Since the moment we set foot in here, the System did it all for us while we fought. So don\'t worry, Samsara, everything is going to be alright… Of course, except you, you\'re dead." Said Veronica mercilessly, as Samsara could see her sadistic and wicked smile, as her eyes shone bright red…

Samsara\'s face completely changed into that of a pitiful man asking for forgiveness, as he felt the core of his soul, his Origin Core, being shattered slowly into bits!

"No… Wait…!"


"Please, wait a second!"


"You can\'t… do this!"





An enormous explosion suddenly covered the entire Realm of Samsara, as his despairing groan of agony spread across the entire Universe! There was not a single mortal or divine being that didn\'t heard his scream of agony, as Samsara and his entire Realm were all engulfed by the split souls in an instant!



And in just a second, they found themselves floating in the middle of space.

Tranquility, calmness, peace…

It was so soothing.

"Finally…" Sighed Ervas, he felt like an enormous burden was taken away from his shoulders.

"We really managed to do it…" Said Veronica.

"Despite showing that we had an advantage… we were very close of dying, his attacks were highly lethal…" Said Aurora.

"Oh man… I need a break. Like… a couple thousands of years? Yeah…" Sighed Veronica.

"Well, Samsara is dead now… And his memories…" Said Ervas.

The split souls saw through Samsara\'s memories, finding out what he was before, his goals, and what he had achieved through his life.

"What a hopeless man… But I am not going to pity him or something. Doing this because he wanted to find his family\'s soul doesn\'t justify killing trillions of innocents…" Said Veronica.

"Hm, likewise." Said Ervas.

As the split souls rested, a sudden door of heavenly light emerged before them.

"My children, come to my domain." The voice of The One resonated through space, as they were led inside.


The bright light of heavens illuminated their sight, as the split souls found themselves inside the Heaven Dimension, a place of tranquility and peace where angels lived in harmony with everything.

"This place… It is so calm in here…" Sighed Ervas.

"Yeah… So this is your home, dad?" Asked Veronica.

"Y-You\'re calling me dad?" Asked The One rather shyly, as he emerged as an enormous sphere of light atop the skies of Heaven.

"Well yeah, you\'ve redeemed yourself, you had a whole character arc now." Said Veronica.

"You\'re okay on our book too… And I guess we really owe you and Chaos an apology." Said Ervas.

"Yep… Sorry." Said Veronica.

"I am sorry as well, we got carried away back then and we said awful things." Said Ervas.

"Ah, my children… I have also changed. I used to be a selfish man… Perhaps if I had cared a bit more about Samsara\'s feelings and how he felt inside, I would had been able to make him an ally instead… of an enemy." Sighed The One.

"Nah, he was completely insane, you were being pretty reasonable to be honest." Said Veronica.

"What? Do you think so?" Asked The One.

"Yeah, you offered him help and more, but he refused and simply acted like a kid… I get it though, he lost everything but… He was floating for eons; shouldn\'t he had done some self-reflection at some point? He simply self-loathed himself for eternity and got angry when someone came to help.." Sighed Veronica.

"Well, that\'s on the past now, let\'s just forget it." Said Ervas.

"You\'re right… Well, Chaos is here as well, not in person, but I\'ve managed to channel her voice." Said The One. Suddenly, an enormous sphere of darkness emerged at his side.

"My children, I am so sorry, please forgive me!" She cried.

"It\'s okay, we are sorry…" Said Ervas.

"Yeah, it\'s all good, mom… I guess." Said Veronica.

"Hm, so this makes you siblings of the real Kireina, how interesting." Laughed Aurora.

"Yes, Kireina as of now is facing some challenges herself…" Said The One.

"My children… Do you truly forgive me?" Sighed Chaos. "Really?"

"Yeah, yeah, we are sorry too, we were a bit too ruthless…" Sighed Veronica. "I hope you can forgive us. Unlike Ervas, I really don\'t have a mom and a dad, so I should have given you a chance."

"…That doesn\'t mean I wouldn\'t either!" Said Ervas.

"Haha, this is the first time I see you pouting." Giggled Veronica.

"Sigh… You\'re still joking even after everything we have achieved… You really never change." Said Ervas. "Well, that\'s the Veronica we all love."

"And you\'re still overly serious even after everything!" Laughed Veronica. "Come on, chill for a bit now…"

Chaos and The One were rather happy to see their children being happy too. Now that they had devoured Samsara, however, they had attained an incredible power over souls, and the two were thinking the same thing.

"Well, we were thinking that.. Why don\'t you become Pseudo Primordial Deities?" Asked The One.

"Say what?" Asked Ervas.

"You two still got a long way to go to reach our power, but you\'re very close to it now. How about you become guardians for now until you reach such power?" Asked Chaos.

"As Pseudo Primordial Deities, you two will have most of our privileges but without the restrictions, you can defeat the evil that still lurks in our universe more effectively." Said The One.

"Oooh… But how come you can just do that?" Asked Veronica.

"Like this." The One and Chaos suddenly bathed the split souls with a bright light and darkness, infusing something within them… parts of their souls.

And within the depths of their souls, their Origin Core continued to grow bigger and more powerful…

"W-Wow…" Said Veronica.

"This cosmic knowledge… So this is what it feels to be an all-seer…" Sighed Ervas.

"Well, I wouldn\'t really want to disturb you… You got a lot of things to do now, right?" Said The One.

"Indeed… Sorry, but we\'ll come to visit soon." Said Veronica.

"No problem, have a nice travel…" Said Chaos.

"Thank you…" Said Ervas.

"Bye bye!" Said Aurora, as the trio quickly teleported away.

The two Primordial Deities remained in silence for a bit, as they seemed to be looking forward to the bright future ahead.

"They\'re going to change everything…" Said The One.

"Yeah, they\'re the Connectors, the ones who will bring all of them together… The Children of Fate." Said Chaos.

"We\'ll look forward to that then…" Said The One.

"I wonder… if we still got time." Sighed Chaos.



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