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Alex drive by himself into the forest path to the west. He went to the border between east Bali and central Bali, it took him a few hours. He went there to find one particular temple. There are hundreds of temples in Bali, in here the locals called them Pura.Most of Pura were built by the locals hundred years ago to worship their gods. But there are a few that already there for thousands of year. It was there many generation before, Now days none of the local knows who built them and to differentiate between them.

There are similar ancients temples all around the world, these ruin normally being identified trough its marks or writings. The oldest writing that can be found from these ruins, were recognizes as far from the 5000-6000 BC, that's around 8000 years ago. Even though there are many different writings from different continent and culture, today's scholars believe using pattern and astronomical equations that the oldest writing were actually came from the same source. Jiahu symbol from China, Vinca sign from central Europe, Indus script from India and the most well know hieroglyphs from Egypt. This is the theory that scientist today believe as the Babel text, the name come from the myth story about the people of the world once speak one language, got really proud and building the tower of Babel to challenge God. In the end the God punishment come and separate them into many different nation and language.

All over the world, some of the places with such writings already been found and studied by the world brightest, but most of them are still hidden. When the Doomsday pillar drop, all of this hidden places was suddenly activated and shown to the people. Each of this places have different relics that the human can use to help against the monsters. Alex know3 locations in Bali with such relics. But only one of them he knows he can access right now.

Its already night, Alex just arrive to one of the temple. its an ordinary looking temple. There are only a few small houses near it. Alex can see a some monk still chanting in front of the temples wearing white robes. he didn't want to disturb them, he already know his destination.

Alex park the car, took his gears and walk a few hundred meter until he reach the lake. its such a big lake, 10 hectares square at least. it was dark, but Alex doesn't want to waste anytime, after all the place he's going, it wont matter if its day or night.He walk around the lake until he was sure that he find the right spot. He wore the diving gear and bringing his bag of equipment with him. Using the flashlight he dive deeper into the lake until he found what he was looking for, a small cave opening only the size of 3 meter. He went inside and dive a long corridor, going deeper into the earth for about 500 meter, then he reach a large chamber, he start walking slowly, it was such a low chamber but its quite wide, he can found some remains that show other people explore this area before, he keep walking until one of the corner, this time its a steep cliff. Alex open up his bags and prepare a climbing gear. He took a rope and slowly pull down a few hundred meters,and finally there it was another pool, inside this pool there was a hidden hole. Again, he dive for another few minutes until he found the hidden chamber.

In his past life, the survivors access this chamber directly from the temple secret passage, but that is not accessible until the temple activated by the pillars,At that time after finding the chamber, Alex do more exploration around the chamber and finally find this alternative passage to go out of the cave. which he is currently now using to get in.

The secret chamber is very small, its about the size of a basketball court. there are some marking and graving in it. Alex took some picture with his phone, then he walk into the center of a room. There was a stone coffin, he push open the lid, and there he sees a skeleton remains. the ancient looking skeleton place both hand in its chest holding an ordinary looking ring. Its a bronze color ring with some little writing in it.

Alex have a big smile on his face, he took the ring, clean it up with some water from the cave, pull a knife and smear his blood on it.in his mind he keep repeat the same word,

"please be working ..please be working.. please.. please"

Currently, he was only 50% sure that this artifact would work before the temples activated.

And fortunately it really does working. there was a little shine just a moment coming from the ring, marking the blood as its new owner. Alex wear the ring and activate it with his mind. its a dimension storage ring, an artifact that create a small space to store an item. The size is only 3 cubic meter. but it will be very useful for him.The ring itself is only a low level artifact but what Alex need is the one store in it. He open up the ring and there he sees covering more than half of the space.

Its a Golem, precisely its a Rank 2 Golem, a medium level artifact, who will heed and do his every command, With this he finally will be able to compete with the one with special abilities. He took the Golem out and also activate it with his blood. Fortunately it does't require him to splash his blood all over it.. he wont have enough ..its too big.. Its a 3 meter tall humanoid shape Golem.Its black body is hard and rough as a rock. It has wide upper body, rounded head, 2 small shiny eyes. It has no mouth so he cannot speak, he only listen telepathically.Its both arms are muscular and very long and almost touch the ground, It makes the Golem legs looks very short.

Finally, his first artifact and its a medium artifact, a Rank 2 golem, He then analyze the Golem using his mind, just as he expected, unfortunately this golem has almost zero energy left. If he doesnt charge it, with the current energy It will only be comparable to a Rank 1 standard golem. It might even stop moving altogether if he use it carelessly.He then searching for something else, In the storage ring, there suppose to be a box that comes with the golem.

"Yes its here", this thing will be very useful for him, probably even more than this Golem.

Alex open the box with full expectation..

Inside there are some small crystallize pebble..

its the spirit stone.


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