
Chapter content

General Rico woke up in a small room, its dark, but the general can feel that he is in some sort of a basement.His hand tied up to a chain hanging from the ceiling.He's alone, He's angry.. the scene that happened a day before still hurting in his mind, All 30 plus special forces, his men, all died.

The enemy was prepared, the past 10 days General Rico has managed to take out 5 hidden terrorist base all around java, all with zero casualty.This time its a huge disaster.

"What went wrong?"

The terrorist particularly different this time, they were fully armed and they were organized.

General Rico, suddenly hear a footsteps, a few person walk through the door.There were 5 men, the other 3 seems like a normal guards, there is one standing little bit in the back, The general cant really see the face clearly. he seems to be a foreigner from the middle eastern country.

The other one walk closer to him.

"Brigadier General Rico"

"The youngest General in Indonesian history and also vice-chief of the special forces. Impressive"

The general can recognize the sound of this man, this is the man who ordered the death of Lieutenant Leon, and probably the leader in charge of the operation that kill all of his men." The general loose his calm, he's enraged.

"Calm down general, what's with the hostile reaction, please... i know i killed many of your men yesterday, but you kill more of my men, you cant possibly saying that my men worth less than yours?.. we are at war general."

"General i did my research, and realized you were personally in charge in destroying 5 of our base in the last few days, Where did you get your Intel?"

The men starting to torture the general, they hit him, did water torture to him and even cut one of his finger, but the general didn't say a word, even if he want to tell the truth what should he said?"a weird ordinary looking man, came in and just give the Intel to him for no reason at all"? the general have better chance to be release by saying the government have created an Intel robot or something like it.

After a few hour they finally leave him. Probably considering a different approach.The general thought his chance to escape is very slim..

a few hours later he heard more steps and a few more people come in. This time, the general really surprised, there's another person come to the room this time, the person in his thirties. his face look ordinary, and this man smiling to see him... the general recognize him.. it is that weird guy.

The general first reaction was, this is the guy who gives him the Intel, there's a big chance this guy also gives Intel to the terrorist, he could even be the part who set up the ambush.. and the fact this guy is here in the room prove it....

ITS YOUR FAULT... the general enraged,

but then suddenly his brain think further, he start to notice how the guard treat Alex, and the fact Alex also have his hand in shackled. soon after they also chain Alex into the ceiling next to him.

the terrorist said "this is weird, it seems you recognize this man, but you don't like him. probably not your friend, anyway we caught him outside this base, did the police forces found out of this base already?"

The guy quickly rushed out of the room with all the guards. now there are only Alex and general Rico in the room chained next to each other.

the general said, "Tell me honestly did you involve with the ambush that killed my men?"

"Wow, is that the thought to the person who try hard to find and rescue you? i thought we are friend already general"

"Rescue? did the police really are here already?"

"Nope, sorry general only me"

"...only you? and now you also captured?.... how did you find this place anyway?

"after hearing the news yesterday, i got worried, and lucky i am in the city, took a stroll a few bases near this city, take them out while at it.. then finally i find this place, this is the lucky place number 4"


this guy probably really have a screw loose in his head...

"How do you plan to rescue me, you cant even rescue yourself..... what the fxxxxxx"

Alex did something.. with his high stage mortal realm its not hard for Alex to break the chain himself, he then walk closer and break the general chain as well.. the general doesn't realized it, Alex did it while he still talking

the general is speechless..

Alex said "you are too weak to walk general, they really did a number on you. here take this"

"out of nowhere Alex took out a white stone and suddenly force it into the general mouth"

surprised, confused, puzzled, enraged. mixed feeling.. but he cant make much noises or fight this guy.. suddenly there's a surge of energy slowly flowing in the general body...

"keep calm and don't fight it. that stone i gave you will increase your strength"

after 15 minutes Rico feel like he's back in his youth body, even stronger.The general now in the middle stage of human realm, even the top special force agent are weaker than him right now.

"Ok general prepare to get out"

The door was actually unlock, they probably thought no ordinary human can break that chain.

Alex and the general walk out the basement slowly.

With their skill its pretty easy to disable a few hostile, took their weapon and start killing them one by one. The general still surprise with his new strength. He can run faster, jump higher, aim better.. when he sees Alex it was even more amazing

. one bullet.. one shot.. one kill..

In less than 10 minutes the based were cleared by both of them. both of them have kill at least 30 hostiles. They ended up walk into the final room. There the general saw the guy who interrogate him and kill his comrades. The guy actually a coward, when he saw what Alex and the general did, he run hiding in this room.

The general said "I need to interrogate him"

Alex noded

The guy spilled everything easily.. he said that he's just a nobody.. then he gave out the foreigner name.. the name is Hafiz.. he is one of the top leader of the Heavens Gate terrorist group. he just left the compound 15 minutes ago when he heard a suspicious man was captured. he's very careful.

The name surprised the General,as the name is included in one of the world most wanted list.. as Alex he's even more surprised than the general.. Hafiz in his previous life were an infamous spirit saint. too bad he's gone, it will be great if he can kill him while he's still in mortal realm.

"Are you done with this guy general?" Alex said

General thought and said .."i will contact headquarter to send him to prison...


a head shot tothe head by Alex

"This guy doesn't belong in Prison"

"Who are you exactly, and why did you help me?"

"Like i said before general i want to be your friend, my name is Alex" and Let just say i hate the terrorist as much as you do, so I need you to kill as many terrorist as possible general"

Actually in the previous life, general Rico once saved his life, so Alex did it to return the favor.

"What was that stone you gave to me?"

"Just a new medical breakthrough, don't worry too much with it"

Before leaving Alex walk around and took all weapon from the bodies, he then searching for something..


A room full of C4 explosives.. another one of his reason to come here..


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