
Chapter content

The Lich glanced over me and then looked at Zehe at my side.

With a low and trembling voice, the Lich spoke to Zehe. ​​

"Z-Ze… Z-Zehe…"

As if woken up by the voice of this Lich, Zehe yelled at the Lich.

"Teacher! W-Why are you here?"

The Lich looked over the ground for a second and then glanced right into my eyes.

"I have come to fulfill the desires of my King and my Master. If you don't want yourself to be involved on this, run away as quickly as you can, and never met with me ever again"

After such a harsh response, Zehe seemed rather angry, and yelled at the Lich with grieving tears.

"B-But Teacher! I can't possibly leave her alone! T-This is family! I…"

After hearing Zehe answer, the Lich clenched its fists.

"Hngh… T-Then, you will die. With the rest of your family"

Zehe face seemed to crumble into desperation after such a harsh response.


I pated Zehe shoulder, and looked at her through her eyes.

"You're not alone, Zehe. Didn't I told you that I would find a way to make him join us?"

Zehe looked at me with her adorable puppy eyes, breathing heavily.

"Snif… Honey…"

"Trust on me. On all of us"

The Lich heard all of this but remained stoic.

"No matter what you try, nothing will probe useful against my willpower, demon. I shall serve my King and Master to my very death. If Zehe becomes an obstacle towards my mission, I shall kill her with my very hands"

"Tch… I know that what you saying is not true! I can already feel your aura and your soul. They are doubting, they are uneasy!"

"Hnngh… Silence, demon! Forbidden Space Magic: Interdimensional Cut!"

Without previous notice, the Lich flew towards the sky and chanted a powerful spell, covering his entire body on hundreds of magic circles.

"Here he comes! Get ready, Zehe, Rimuru, Nesiphae and Brontes!"

Thankfully, the rest of my servants retreated to heal their wounds and rest, so they wouldn't be catch on this mess.

Before the Lich could finish his chant, I activated all my buffs and reinforced my magic shield to his limits!


"Die, demon!"


Suddenly, all the space surrounding us started to distort, confusing my senses.

"Is this Dimensional Cut? Uuagh!"

Without noticing I felt an incredible pain on my back!

An incredibly deep cut was across my entire back, leaking big amounts of blood.

My wives were surprised over the sneaky way that this magic worked.

"What is this magic? Its too weird! How can we predict it?! Uaagh!"


Suddenly, countless sharp cuts appeared over Nesiphae whole armor and tail.

Thankfully, Rimuru and Brontes were able to protect themselves, and the cuts didn't affect Zehe, somehow.

"He's not attacking Zehe after all, just as I thought…"

In mere seconds, Rimuru healed Nesiphae and my wounds.

I activated my Mystic Eyes skill and glanced over the entire sky.

The Lich seemed to have flown very high on the sky, and was activating countless spells.

"Advanced Fusion Magic: Triple Elemental Apocalypse!"

Suddenly, all the giant magic circles surrounding the Lich started to combine together, and formed a massive cloud, which started to rain countless meteorites of giant sizes, each one being infused in powerful elemental magic.


I quickly constructed a spell using Anti-Magic Seal and Magic Solidification, creating something similar as Kekensha Light Shields, protecting us from the powerful meteor rain.

However, this type of magic was too strong, shattering my shields in mere seconds.

We used these shields to take on some hits and evade as much as we could.

The Lich looked at our maneuver withs scorn.

"Hmmph, not bad. But I shall do as my King and Master… desires… Nngh… Forbidden Shadow Magic: Summon High Eldritch Abomination!"

The Lich did not waste any time and flew across the skies, casting countless magic circles, from these circles, horrible octopus-like monsters started to emerge from them. They were quite strong and were able to use [Shadow Beam] and [Shadow Rain].

Brontes and Nesiphae dedicated themselves on killing these fiends, while I tried to catch the Lich.

I was accompanied by Rimuru and Zehe, Rimuru assisted me with healing magic and protection shields, while Zehe attacked nearby fiends.

I quickly summoned my Demon Great sword and sent it off to assist Brontes and Nesiphae.

Flash! Flash!

The Demon great sword flew at max speed, spinning like a tornado, slashing countless Shadow Fiends.

The Lich flew at an increasing speed, being hard to catch, while doing this, he chanted more spells.

"You are quite persistent…! Advanced Fusion Magic: Forbidden Space and Shadow Magic: Black Hole Storm!"

Suddenly, countless deep black spheres started to rain over the battlefield.

Flash! Flash!

I activated my new evolved Cursed Claws skill and started to summon more than 20, and sent them off, taking on the spheres for us.

Each time they touched one, a powerful suction force would absorb the Claws out of existence, leaving absolutely nothing left.

"That's a very dangerous magic! Rimuru, Zehe, shot projectiles at them! Don't let them get to Nesiphae and Brontes!"



Rimuru used her powerful magic to create countless solidified weapon shaped projectiles, shooting down the spheres and activating them in advance.

Zehe fused magic using Shadow and multiple elements, creating small bullets that did the job just right.

While I used my Cursed Claws to take on the rain, my split minds were analyzing the Lich movements, and at the same time, casting more Cursed Claws and maintaining my buffs active.

My split minds were quite fussy, but tried their best.

"Uugh! This skelly doesn't leave us any time to breathe!"

"Master! Are you hanging fine? I'm summoning as many Cursed Claws as possible, if you feel any mental fatigue, please let us know!"

"Fucking Hell! I can't wait to smash that skelly right up his ass! But how the fuck do we get near this bastard!?"

"Angry mind, please keep looking for a way! There must be a recipe using our skills that could rescue the Lich from its enslavement!"

"Its too early! And how the fuck will we even do it if he keeps shooting as us?! We can't get closer to the bastard!"

"Don't worry, I'm also trying my best!"

While Rimuru and Zehe destroyed the Black Hole Spheres, I summoned countless Cursed Claws all over the sky, taking on any sphere. However, I swiftly commanded some to move around and chase the Lich.

The Lich looked at our desperate fight with indifference.

"All of you, must die… Advanced… Fusion Magic… Shadow Space Prison… Eh?!"

Just before the Lich could cast its next spell, five solid Cursed Claws tried to slash him from behind.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

"W-What? Is this the demon magic? No… Its not magic at all… A physical skill? Impressive… However! Advanced Fusion Magic: Thunderstorm Spears!"

Flash! Flash! Flash!

The Lich summoned a small thunderstorm that shoot countless lighting spears at my Cursed Claws.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Hmm?! They're detonating?! Uaagh!"

A small Cursed Claw grabbed tightly on the Lich Feet and detonated right on the spot!


The Lich entire left leg was blasted into pieces, and it took heavy damage.

"What? She got me so soon? N-No! There is still something I can do! I won't die so easily! Advanced Null Magic: Powerful Body Enhancement!"

The Lich suddenly activated a powerful reinforcing spell, sharply raising all its stats and speed, as it flew away from my Cursed Claws.

While all of this was going on, the bastard kept sending more Shadow Fiends and Black Hole spheres without rest, showing its masterful control over his own magic.

The Lich continued shooting more lighting spears at my Cursed Claws, making them detonate prematurely. However, I reluctantly kept sending more and more. Thanks to my resent skill fusion, my Cursed Claws have evolved to a next level, becoming completely solid and giving me the ability to summon more than 21.

Suddenly I found myself summoning more than 50 Cursed Claws, using around 30 to resist the Black Hole Spheres and the other 20 to catch the Lich.

I had to summon 50 Cursed Claws every five minutes, costing an incredible amount of Stamina. Each skill cast would only summon five, but I did this ten times, meaning a Stamina consumption of over one thousand. My Stamina stat was already in its negative value, but thanks to my Undead body, I didn't feel any physical fatigue. However, mental fatigue had already hit me quite hard, and gave me sharp pain all over my head.

Rimuru used her healing magic to calm my headache as much as she could while blocking the Black Hole Spheres.

"Mastaa! Are you okay?!"

"Y-Yeah… I can handle this, as long as you two support me… How is Nesiphae and Brontes doing?"

"Honey, they're hanging just fine, some Black Hole Spheres have slipped out but Brontes Spirit Shield was able to protect them both…"

"That's a relief… Ungh! Your teacher is a very sharp man! He's been evading my attacks masterfully! Its such a pity that I can't eat him!"

"H-Honey… Don't say such things on the middle of the battle…"

"I-It was… A joke… Hahaha… A joke in such a desperate battlefield… Ugh! Ah there it is!"

Although the Lich speed was impressive, the sheer number of Cursed Claws following him would catch up with him sooner or later.

"Advanced Null Magic: Impenetrable Magic Shield!"


Suddenly, a thick magic coating covered the entire Lich body just before receive the detonation of multiple Cursed Claws.

Boom! Boom!


My Evolved Cursed Claws detonation was very strong, but his magic shield was incredible, barely shattering after so many attacks.

While flying away from my Cursed Claws, I used my Mystic Eyes to look right into the Lich, trying to inflict him with any status ailment I could.

The status ailments that my eyes can cause is different than a conventional one, being able to penetrate most resistances and barriers as long as I keep looking at my target.

But something was strange, it seems like a Lich body is immune to most status ailments, failing to inflict anything on him multiple times.

"I can't inflict him with any status? Ugh… Ah!"

Suddenly, the Lich stopped for a small second, and some Cursed Claws were able to detonate close to him, shattering its magic coating a bit more.

The Lich quickly recovered from the status and kept flying.

"What status was that? Appraisal!"


"So, it can get paralyzed at least for small bits!"

While summoning countless Cursed Claws, I kept using my Mystic Eyes to follow the Lich movements from far away, my Paralysis would make him stop for a split second, using this opportunity to slowly diminish his magic coating.

However, it was taking too long!

"How is his magic shield so strong?! Is it because of his incredibly high Magic Stat?! This skeleton is ridiculous!"

As the Lich flew through the skies, it healed his paralysis now and then.

"Nngh…! Paralyzed again?! But I just healed myself a moment ago! This demon possesses a skill able to paralyze me from so far away? I have been stalling for time, seeing if she gets any worse, but this demon is incredibly resilient! By the name of my King and Master, I shall unleash my rage! Advanced Fusion Magic: Zeus Thunder Apocalypse!"

After chanting this spell, a powerful and massive dark cloud formed over the Lich head, and from inside a giant Titan made of Thunder magic raised, raising its muscular arms, it started to shoot incredibly dense Thunder Shocks, easily destroying all my Cursed Claws following him.

"Eh?! What is that? So he got way more spells behind his sleeve!"

Rimuru and Zehe seemed worried.

"Guuu! Mastaaa! What do we do?!"

"Honey… I'm so sorry!"

"Don't worry! I am also a gifted mage after all, right Zehe?"


"Guuu! It's true! Masta, let me share my MP with you, while you cast spells, I will drink MP potions, regenerating any MP lost!"

"Good idea, Rimuru!"

"I shall do the same then, Honey!"


We swiftly connected our MP using [MP Share], increasing the max amount of MP that I was able to use.

I quickly changed my plans, commanding two of my split minds to help me create a powerful Mana Zone over my head, while the other split mind would keep the production of Cursed Claws, stopping the Black Hole Spheres.

On the other side, the Lich kept using its powerful spell to shot more thunder shocks towards us and my Cursed Claws, now the Claws that used to chase him had to work on taking its strong hits.

The Lich quickly became aware of my MP density and desperately tried to stop me.

"Advanced Fusion Magic: Helios Meteor Judgement!"

Suddenly, a powerful sun appeared out of thin air at the side of Lich, and from it, another titan made of fire stood up, raising its hands, it started to shoot flaming meteors at us.

"Another spell? How many spells can he cast at the same time?! There is already four!"

While I used all my might to stop the Lich attacks with my Cursed Claws and at the same time, formed a dense Mana Zone, Zehe explained me her Teacher strength.

"My Teacher is an incredible mage! I was once told by another undead that he used to be a powerful mage on the past of the Kingdom of Ollathir… Being able to summon storms that would consume the whole continent if he desired"

"T-That's certainly just an exaggeration, right?!"

"W-Well… He has lost most of his power when he became an undead, losing his God Blessings"

"Does that mean that this guy would be way scarier if he were alive? No way…"


A powerful thunder shock fell down from the sky, I commanded countless Cursed Claws and Anti-Magic shields over us but the power of the Lich Magic stat was higher, breaking them all apart.

The thunder shock was about to hit me, interrupting my Mana Zone creation, but Rimuru quickly expanded her body and covered me and Zehe.


I saw as Rimuru slime body suffered from countless shocks.



"D-Don't worry, I'm fine, Mastaa! I'm an elemental being! Guuu…"

Although Rimuru tried to make herself look strong, the lighting shock still took a big chunk of her HP.


When the lighting shock finally finished to go across Rimuru's body, she slowly came together and became a small slime.

"R-Rimuru, you lost a lot of mass!"

"Guuu… Mastaa… I'm fine…"

While I summoned Cursed Claws, and kept making my Mana Zone. A split mind used some of my arms to open my Item Box and take out plenty of food.

"Quick! Eat this!"

"Guuu… Slurp"

Rimuru quickly expanded her body and digested all the food, slowly increasing her mass.

Zehe was barely holding the Black Hole Spheres with her Shadow Shot, and saw the sad state that Rimuru was.

"T-Teacher! Why are you doing this?!"

From far on the sky, the Lich heard Zehe voice and stopped for a moment.

"Z-Zehe… Hnngh! N-No! I have to do as my King desires! Hnnnggahh!"

Detecting the Lich strange movements, I used this opening to go all out!

"I got you! Mana Zone: Overpowering Sun!!!"


Suddenly, I infused my Mana Zone with countless fire and lava magic, which quickly merged with the whole zone. In a mere instant, a powerful and intimidating flaming sun appeared out of thin air!

The Lich was surprised by such high-level magic.

"Hmm?! Overpowering Sun? Not matter how strong is your spell, if you have lower Magic stat than me, my spells will always overpower yours!"

I manipulated my Overpowering Sun around and opened a small gap, and using my threads, I moved Rimuru and Zehe inside.

I created a small magic sphere using Magic Solidification, which would keep us safe inside.

The Lich was enraged and used big amounts of MP, infusing its various spell and increasing their power.

Suddenly, my Overpowering Sun was rained by countless Lighting Shocks, Flaming Meteors and Black Hole Spheres.

However, the density of this mass of lava was quite high, tanking on any hit, and even when the Black Hole Spheres absorbed the space around were they detonated, the Sun mass only decreased very slowly.

As if Overpowering Sun was some kind of spaceship, I flew across the night sky, illuminating the whole forest. While chasing over the Lich.

"You damned demon!!!"

I noticed that Brontes and Nesiphae stopped fighting the Shadow Fiends, as they were able to destroy the magic circles were these ones were coming from, and I quickly carried them inside the Sun.

While chasing over the Lich, he suddenly deactivated all his spells and started to cast new magic.

"Advanced Fusion Magic: White Nova!"

The Lich, by surprise, summoned a powerful white colored Nova, which looked like a small version of my Overpowering Sun.

"Take this!"


The powerful White Nova hit my Overpowering Sun with incredible might, detonating all over it, creating a big hole, which slowly regenerated.

"White Nova! White Nova! White Nova!"

While looking at his back, the Lich threw countless White Nova at my Overpowering Sun, and it quickly diminished its total mass by over 50%.

Baaam! Baaam! Baaam!

Each time a White Nova detonated; an incredibly strong sound resonated through the entire Grand Forest.

"S-Shit! Even Overpowering Sun is not enough? N-No! Here!"

I used Overpowering Sun as if it were a Mana Zone of its own, and infused countless spells.

Suddenly, the whole Sun started to generate countless weapon-shaped projectiles of various elements. Raining over the Lich.

Flash! Flash! Flash!

Seeing how countless weapon-shaped projectiles were about to him directly, the Lich chanted a new spell.

"Tssk! Advanced Null Magic: Anti-Magic Wall!"

Baam! Baam! Baam!

The powerful transparent wall easily blocked every magic projectile, only getting a little bit shattered on its sides.

Meanwhile, the Lich kept casting White Nova at us, quickly diminishing Overpowering Sun mass.

Baam! Baam! Baam!

My wives were worried and asked if they could do anything.

"I can't afford to put all of you in such danger, his magic is too strong! We must pull out of this situation on our own way! Please, share all your MP with me!"



"Yes, big sis!"



Suddenly, I felt as a strong flood of MP entered my whole body.

Using this new MP, I infused a big chunk on my Overpowering Sun, quickly regaining its mass and speed.

"I need to try out new types of magic! Split Minds! Let's experiment with Soul Magic!"



"You got it!"

Nesiphae quickly suggested to use Anti-Magic on the mix.

While maneuvering on the sky and trying to dodge the White Nova, my split minds worked at an incredible speed, casting countless Soul and Anti-Magic spells, infusing the Overpowering Sun with a strange yellow and white colored aura.

"Now! Gate of Bjarmia!"

The massive Sun started to shoot countless weapon shaped projectiles, however, this time they were of a strong white and yellow colors, without having any physical mass.

Meanwhile, the Lich casted White Nova desperately, while running around, without a time to properly analyze what was being shot to him.

"Hnngh? W-What is that?!"

Flash! Flash! Flash!

Suddenly, hundreds of magic projectiles rained over the Lich, penetrating its powerful Anti-Magic Shield, slowly shattering it!


"Eh?! How?! Hnngh! I will just infuse more MP then!"


The Lich let off a strong aura that covered its entire body, and infused it over its Anti-Magic Shield, quickly healing the cracks and making it even sturdier.

"This bastard just infused MP on its shield and its back to new?! Aagh! Just you wait! Now! Anti-Magic projectiles!"

While flying at an increasing speed, Overpowering Sun once again rained over the Lich with hundreds of magic projectiles, this time they had a strange transparent aura.

Clash! Clash!

The powerful weapon shaped projectiles hit the Anti-Magic Shield with powerful might, quickly increasing its cracks.

"It seems that Anti-Magic is good versus Anti-Magic!"

Crack! Crack!

The Lich desperately saw as his Anti-Magic Shield quickly shattered.

"Damn it! More MP then!"


Due to the powerful Anti-Magic projectiles, the Lich needed to use lots of his thoughts and MP into his Shield, for a small moment, he had to stop casting White Nova, which gave me an opening once again.

I used my Mystic Eyes and successfully paralyzed him for a split second, using this, I summoned countless Cursed Claws, which quickly went around his Anti-Magic Shield and started to detonate around him, slowly shattering his magic coating.

"We are back on it!"

The Lich looked at me with hatred.

"Again, with these Claws?! Ugh! Advanced Space Magic: Space Density!"


After chanting this spell, all the space around us started to feel strange, and I suddenly realized that my body felt extremely heavy!

Not just my body, but this also affected my mind, making it difficult to process thoughts.

"Aagh! T-This…"

Using this opportunity, the Lich flew farther away, and once again threw countless White Nova spells at me.



"Watch out!"



More than five White Nova spheres hit the entire Overpowering Sun, detonating on place.


The Lich looked over this spectacle with indifference, however, his aura had a hint of fear and uneasiness.

"Z-Zehe… Eh?!"

Just before him, the sun had completely disappeared on place. The Lich thought that even if he killed everyone inside, a small mass of floating lava would be left until it slowly dissipated, however, there was nothing at all!

Just before the White Nova spells could hit my Overpowering Sun, I quickly opened a way and flew with my wives, and deactivated the skill. When such a high-density skill like Overpowering Sun is deactivated, it would instead, detonate with a strong force. Making the Lich think that we died on the explosion.

The Lich quickly analyzed the skies but suddenly, a strong shock hit its entire body.

"Paralysis! Ugh! She is somewhere!"

After fleeing from my Overpowering Sun, I activated my Illusion Magic and [Blood Monster Mimic King Mimicry], creating a camouflaging coating over us, which it seems, the Lich cannot detect.

The Lich couldn't detect our presence and was incredibly enraged, shooting countless spells around himself.

"White Nova! Zeus Thunderstorm! Helios Meteor Rain! Black Hole Rain!"

Baam! Baam! Baam!

The whole forest suffered the disastrous Lich attack, which illuminated the whole night sky.

I flew around with my wives, evading most attacks while regaining momentum.

I summoned countless Cursed Claws and sent them over the Lich, he tried to look over where we were, but everytime we made sure to move around.

Brontes and Rimuru also helped, shooting their strongest spells.

Rimuru used her powerful multi-elemental Gate of Bjarmia, while Brontes used her Coiling Dragon Thunderstorm.

Hundreds of Cursed Claws, Weapon shaped projectiles and Thunder Coiling Dragons rained over the Lich Anti-Magic Shield, which already showed sign of cracking multiple times if it wasn't for his constant infusion in MP.

"I remember him having more than 700 MP! Even if it's a ridiculous quantity, he will run out someday!"

I tried to constantly paralyze him so he would make small mistakes, leaving his Anti-Magic Shield without MP infusion.

The Lich quickly healed his paralysis but as soon as he did that, I inflicted him with it again!


"Hnngh! No!"


Suddenly two Giant Cursed Claws tightly grabbed his Anti-Magic Shield and detonated!


Crack! Crack! CRACK!


"His damned Anti-Magic Shield is finally broken!"

"Master, we did it!"


"T-Teacher! Please surrender!"

After hearing Zehe voice, the Lich immediately noticed where we were, and flew at max speed towards us!


"Z-Zehe you dummy, guuu!"


"He's coming right at us! Why?"

"It's not like him! He always kept his distance!"

Suddenly, I felt a strong Soul aura coming from the Lich.


This aura seemed to constantly expand, increasing in size and density!

I saw with my Mystic Eyes as his Soul Core slowly started to shatter!

"What is he trying to do? He's going to detonate his Soul Core? But he's going to die!"

Zehe looked over her Teacher actions and started to cry tears of grievance, having a desperate face.

"Teacher! Don't!"


As the Lich approached us at an incredible speed, I used all my threads to throw my wives far away.


"Uuaaah! M-Master! Nooo!"


"Big sis! Don't!"

"H-Honey! Why?!"

As they flew far away, I looked at them with a warm smile.

"Don't worry"


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