
Chapter content

In the middle of the night.

Baaam! Crash!


I woke over a loud noise that filled my den!

When I awoke, I found two big birds inside my lair, they destroyed the ceiling and my beautiful thread decorations, so awful!

"W-What is going on? Uuwawawa! Birds! What are you doing on my precious lair you feathered bastards! You choose the wrong bug to pick a fight with!"

"You damned chickens! You deserve to die! Rimuru, attack!"



Rimuru swiftly consumed big amounts of stamina and increased its speed, using the same tactic with the River Emperor, it created after-images of itself and distracted the damned birds.

"Well done! I'll have chicken for breakfast! Activate skill: [Water Spear]! Taaaaake this!"

Just after chanting the name of the skill, three lumps of blue colored light fused together over my head, creating a beautiful sharp spear made of concentrated water.





The Water Spear crashed over the largest bird and it kept running down his back crashing into two more!

"Haha! That's what I call killing tree birds in one Water Spear! (Th-that was so laaame...)"

[You've gained 918 EXP] [Party Member: Servant Rimuru gained 459 EXP]

[You've gained one level!] [Level 9/20 EXP 323/800]

[Party Member: Servant Rimuru gained one level!] [Level 10/10 EXP 029/000]




Just out of the blue a big bird hit me with his talons right on my back! It threw me down to the ground at full speed!



Another two birds came right after me for the final blow!

"T-This is bad!"

I quickly activated [Water Magic Shield], [River Emperor Iron Body] and [River Emperor Pressure]


An incredible pressure began to emerge from my body and some weaker birds started to tremble in fear! But the ones that were going for the kill didn't flinch at all!

The birds raised their talons and kicked me multiple times, if it wasn't for my Water Magic Shield, I would have been meat paste by now.



"Guaaaah! Hnnggh! I need to hold off, what's with this tandem attack of theirs?! But I got you right in front of me now! I will use these two skills together! [River King Strong Jaw] and [Strong Bite]!"

Suddenly two big lumps of white light appeared over my jaws, fusing together and generating a strong energy force.



Using the combined strength of my two jaw related skills I was able to destroy the two bird legs completely; they cried in pain which made some of the birds raiding my nest run away in fear!

Using this opportunity, I casted [Water Spear] multiple times onto the two dying birds.

"[Water Spear]! [Water Spear]!"

Two powerful spears made of water came from above my head, flashing towards the birds.


The two birds were completely blasted right in front of me. Incredible amounts of blood sprouted from their destroyed bodies and bathed my body in its entirety!

[You've gained 608 EXP] [Rimuru gained 304 EXP]

[You've gained one level!] [Level 10/20 EXP 131/850]

"Haha, that's what you get for messing with my things... Uugh this is disgusting... Rimuru, are you okay?!"


I looked at Rimuru to find its being pecked over by a gang of strong birds, his HP was almost gone!

"Rimuru! Noo! You damned bastards!"

I flew at max speed to attack the birds ganging up on Rimuru and activated [Water Spear] repeatedly!


Three [Water Spear] flew at a thundering speed towards the heads of the birds.

Boom! Boom! Boom!




Crash! Crash! Crash!

Three big bird heads were blasted completely to pieces and their blood covered the entire lair, even Rimuru!

After the blood jumped over its body, Rimuru absorbed it like a sponge and its HP quickly recovered by a little!

[You've gained 904 EXP] [Rimuru gained 454 EXP]

[You've gained one level!] [Level 11/20 EXP 185/900]

[Rimuru learned the following skills]

[Big Bird Tenacity]

[Big Bird Strong Tackle]

"Rimuuruuu! Are you fine? Here! [Water Element Magic]!"

A big splash of water hit Rimuru and its little body quickly absorbed it, restoring its HP entirely.


Rimuru jumped over in happiness after recovering, but things didn't last for long as three big birds tried a sneak attack on our backs!

"Geek! How many of you came here? What the hell is going on?! Also, Rimuru learned skills from just absorbing blood? That's unfair!"

One bird charged right before me and tried to kick me over with a strong tackle!


"Not so fast! [Strong Bite]!"



The bird quickly realized that its kick didn't created any impact, and slowly felt as a terrible pain flow across its talon.

When the bird looked over its talon, it saw it completely severed. It realized that I was munching on its leg and a terrible feeling of fear pulsed through its entire body, paralyzing it on place.

"You really thought that something like that would work a second time, you chicken bastards?! You have seriously angered me now!"


A strong red aura began to flow outside of my tiny butterfly body. Making the birds surrounding us tremble in fear.

"[River King Strong Body] alongside [River Emperor Iron Body] plus [Water Magic Shield]! This is my best defensive mode! Care to take a taste?! [River King Strong Claws]!"


A big claw made of red energy completely slashed the big bird in front of me into pieces!

[You've gained 306 EXP] [Rimuru gained 153 EXP]

[Kireina EXP 491/900] [Servant Rimuru EXP 940/000]


Rimuru didn't slack off and quickly disposed of the two big birds with its new physical skill [Big Bird Strong Tackle] in combination with the [River Emperor Iron Body] buff!




The Birds were completely knocked out by Rimuru's tackle and died on the spot!

[You've gained 306 EXP from Party Member: Rimuru]

[Rimuru gained 612 EXP]

[Kireina EXP 797/900] [Servant Rimuru EXP 1552/000]

"Phew… This mysterious raid ended up being a good way to grind, but what's wrong with these birds? Why did they raid our nest all of the sudden? What the hell is going on?"


The nest stayed still for some time as every strong bird was killed, the weaker ones ran away or passed out from the fear generated by my [River Emperor Pressure].

I quickly flew outside and saw a bunch of weaker birds flying away.

"Yeah! Get the fuck out of my house! Who do you think I am?!"


Rimuru was also angered and yelled at the birds, changing its color to a red pigment while waving its body.

"This raid came out of nowhere! Also why did these birds attacked? I still can't understand!"


"My little nest is just inside some old and decaying tree, no one should be able to notice it, and even so what would they even hunt? Just a little butterfly that can't even fill their bellies!"

"Guuu! Guuu!

Rimuru jumped showing its anger, but it made it look more adorable than anything.

I patted Rimuru while analyzing what just happened.

"All of this really gives me a bad feeling, as if someone ordered those birds to attack us... Maybe there's some evolved bird that sensed my strength and tried to get rid of me easily?"

I began to comprehend the truth about this forest and the monster inhabiting it, it seems like every Emperor level monster fights each other for territory, and because of my recent evolution and my victory over the River Emperor I am being targeted now!

"Are they seeing me as an Emperor too?"


Rimuru jumped close to me, as if being proud of me.

"No way... I hope this is just a theory, if it's really the truth, then every Emperor type monster will start to target me from now on! This is a nightmare! What do I do Rimuru?"


I didn't understand at all what Rimuru was saying, but I noticed a determined look on its faceless face.

"Huh? You think we should fight? B-But it's too dangerous! At least we need multiple backup plans, and more minions, also this place is not safe anymore! We should go look for a new old tree to stay in... let's go Rimuru..."


And so, we headed outside in look for a new old tree to call home, I looked over my old and destroyed nest, were I slept so many nights as a Caterpillar, and a little grievance bloomed in my heart.

"Sigh... Well, it doesn't matter! I still got you Rimuru! I need to keep going in life, I can't stop and cry over my destroyed house like some baby… Let's go!"


Rimuru jumped showing a happy expression.

After eating half of the strong bird's meat, I let Rimuru eat the rest of it along with the weaker birds that were still alive.

[You've obtained a new Title: Merciless Avian Killer]

[You've learned the following Skills]

[Big Bird Tenacity]

[Big Bird Strong Tackle]

[You and Party Member: Rimuru learned the following Skills]

[Big Bird Binocular Vision]

[Wind Element Affinity]

[Big Bird Gale Wings]

After having this big meal, we began looking for a new place to call home.

[Day 8]

We wondered across the forest for countless hours, but we haven't found a nice tree that could fit my high standards.

"Sigh… We have been wondering since we were attacked and now it's already morning, there really isn't another comfy looking old tree to stay in?"


"It's just that the old one was just so perfect! This is really unfair!"


Rimuru looked at me with an expression saying "Why are you like this?".

"W-What was that Rimuru?"


Rimuru waved its body and pretended that it said anything.

"Hmmph, anyways. Maybe a cave could be a nice and big place to stay in considering that we will start increasing our party members pretty soon, right?"

"Guu! Guu!"

Rimuru started to jump over the ground, trying to tell me something important.



In the distance behind some trees a big crimson wolf with a scar on its face was fighting a weaker looking one, the weaker one had a lot of wounds all over his body, seemingly in the blink of dead.

"A wolf? and it's red colored! I have never seen this type of monster before! I'll call them Crimson Wolf! Are they fighting over something?"

"The big one seems at least at Emperor level of power and that weak one seems like a novice King class; it seems that it's about to die... Should I leave them alone? It would be too dangerous to interfere…"


Without even asking me, Rimuru ran over to the Wolves direction at max speed, it seems like it wants to help the weaker one!

"W-What?! Since when do you have a pity over a weaker monster? You idiot?! Come back! Hey!"

I saw as Rimuru rushed through the forest, going towards the wounded wolf to help.

"Good damn it! Alright, just you wait! I'll spank you really good when this is over!"

I flew at max speed to rescue Rimuru while the big Crimson Wolf was about to give the weaker one the finishing blow.

But right at that moment!

Flaaash! Baaam!

Rimuru hit the big Crimson Wolf right on its face with a strong [Big Bird Tackle].

"Awoooooo! Waaafrr!"

The Wolf was knocked down by Rimuru strength!

"Grrrrrrr!! Waaaaaffrr!"

The big Crimson Wolf opened its big jaw and attacked towards Rimuru!




Without noticing, the big Crimson Wolf was hit by a big Water Spear that got him right on its back inflicting a big amount of damage!

"What? It didn't die after one Water Spear?! This guy really is an Emperor class monster of higher power than the River Emperor!"

"So that River Emperor was probably the weakest Emperor in this forest? Are you kidding me?!"

Flash! Flash!

Baaam! Baaam!

I sent two more Water Spears right at its back again, the Crimson Wolf Emperor yelled in pain!


Before it could even recover some momentum, Rimuru hit him with another sneak attack on the back of its head!



The Crimson Wolf Emperor was knocked to at least 4 meters away!

"That's what you get you stupid Emperor! I know that you guys want to mess with me now that I killed one of yours! What do you say? Want to join my army?"

The Crimson Wolf Emperor stood up and began to talk on a bad tone.

"I will never join the likes of such weaklings! And why did you interrupt my kill!"

"You are a mere bug, what can you even accomplish?! I will show the other Emperors that you are no more than a joke and that worrying about you was just useless!"

"I want to see that stupid Wyvern Overlord face when he sees your destroyed body in my jaws! Hahaha! Now brace yourself, TRASH!"

After such a big insult, I felt an incredible rage pulsing through my mind. I really wanted to beat the crap out of this wolf now!

"W-what did you just fucking called me, you brainless dog?! You have genuinely angered me now! Prepare yourself for hell incarnated!"

"Rimuru! Prepare yourself! Activate skill: [Attack Command] and [Defense Command]!"

[Party Member: Servant Rimuru Strength and Defense have increased by 20%]

I activated all my buffing skills and my water shield and went right for a close range attack to the Crimson Wolf Emperor! I have never felt this angered in my life so I entered a berserk state not caring about tactics!


My body completely disappeared in front of the Crimson Wolf Emperor!

"What?! Such speed! How can a lower being like yourself achieve Emperor class buffs?! W-What are you?!"

"[River Emperor Strong Claw]!"

Without the Crimson Wolf Emperor expecting it, I hit it right behind his head with my strongest close combat attack!



The Emperor was knocked several meters away but kept his composure. It seemed fascinated by my power.

"AMAZING! I think I have severely underestimated you! Hahaha! I will also give it my all! You will be a perfect prey!"


The Emperor activated a myriad of incredible buffs boosting all his stats through the roof!

And oppressive aura exuded from his muscular body!

"Guuuaaahh! This guy is serious business! Why did I go berserk over his provocation? I need to think up a clear strategy, I cannot go wild and die for nothing!"

I glanced at Rimuru and commanded a new strategy.

"Rimuru! use your after-images to distract him while I attack from the distance! When your Stamina runs low, we'll exchange positions!"

"Guuuuuuu! "

Rimuru seemed completely motivated and it used its Stamina to create after-images of itself!

"Eeeh?! Such a lower being can achieve so much speed! Hahaha! but it's useless! I'll show you what strength really is! Raaaaaa!"


The Emperor clashed with Rimuru's body but the big blow was intercepted by Rimuru's [Big Bird Tackle] and a myriad of defensive buffs on his side! ([River Emperor Body], etc.)

"Hang in there Rimuru! [Water Affinity] Don't disappoint me now!"

I planned on using all my Water Skills, this included [Water Spear].

As I called on the skills, several lumps of blue light began to appear and combine together, forming a big mass of condensed water and magic.

When the mass of magic and water was finally condensed enough, I used [Water Manipulation] to shape the form of the water, I decided to shape it according to a certain Earth's fictional character famous attack.

When the projectiles were ready, I release the them in one go!

Flash! Flash! Flash!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A myriad of different bullet shaped in the form of weapons started raining from the sky! Swords, Lances, Spears, Axes. It was a spectacle to behold.

More than ten water weapons crashed over the Wolf Emperor back. Big amounts of blood merged with his Crimson colored fur in a beautiful bright red.

"Gggraaaaawwrrr?! T-This is a very high-level magic! How?!"

Over the pained expression on the Crimson Wolf Emperor, I couldn't contain my laughter.

"Buahahaha! What do you think Emperor?! I just came up with this brilliant idea! I call it Gate of Bjarmia!"

I kept using my MP to create more of these water weapons, pointing towards the wolf.

"Care to take a taste? Here! You can eat all you want, the menu is on the house!"

Flaash! Flaash! Flaash!

Crash Crash Crash!

About eight weapon shaped water bullets rained over the Wolf Emperor at a speeds that cut the wind itself!

The powerful water weapons crashed all over the wolfs body causing heavy damage, while doing this, the wolf also had to fight and follow Rimuru's fast speed.

"Grrraaaaarr! You bastard! I can't take over this water being! Its stupidly sturdy, what even is its Defense stat?!"



Rimuru hit the Wolf Emperor with a big tackle over the wounds on his back and absorbed the Emperor's blood!


Rimuru recovered a little bit of Stamina and HP!

When Rimuru absorbed the wolf blood, the emperor felt incredibly offended, and couldn't contain its anger.

"What kind of cheap tactic is this your bastard water being! Take this! RAAAA!"

The Wolf Emperor jumped over Rimuru and imbued its legs with powerful flames, kicking Rimuru.


Rimuru couldn't notice in time and was completely blasted by the Wolf Emperor Kick!


His little body crashed on a nearby tree and split it in half, over it, Rimuru body seemed exhausted and almost becoming completely liquid.


I saw how Rimuru was on the blink of death and quickly helped him out.

"Rimuruuu! Here take this Water Bullet! Please recover!"

Flash! Bam!

Rimuru was hit with a massive water bullet and recovered 50% of his max HP, regaining most of its lost mass.

"Alright let's exchange positions!"


I exchanged positions with Rimuru and began a close combat brawl with the Wolf Emperor, his blows were completely on another level, causing extreme pain alongside the burn damage.

The Wolf laughed out of happiness, excited by finally being able to fight at close combat.

"Guahaha! You finally came to fight at close quarters! You are not bad for a mere bug!"

His insults once again got the better of me, and angered me beyond belief!

"Raaaaaahh! Don't call me a bug, you bastard! I will kill you! [River King Strong Claws]!"

After chanting the Skill command, a powerful claw made of energy appeared out of thin air, slashing towards the Wolf.


Right on this moment, the Wolf Emperor smiled and used its own Claw skill to intercept my attack.


In the back, Rimuru was shooting water bullets, slowly draining the Wolf Emperor HP.


Realizing the powerful endurance of the Wolf, my mind was only filled on endless regret on having provoked such beast.

"Nnggh! How much HP does this monster have?! This guy is insane on every level! How could I even involve myself in such a dangerous situation?! God damn it!"

The Wolf Emperor was about to hit me again but I raised my tiny butterfly legs and chanted another Skill.

"Not so fast! Take this! [River King Strong Jaws]! [Strong Bite]! And [River King Strong Claws]!"

The three skills showed as lumps of red light and combined together, creating a qualitative change, forming a powerful combined attack.

"I'll call it [River Emperor Strong Claws and Jaws]!"


The Wolf Emperor couldn't respond in time and was blasted by a dual attack to the wounds on the back of his head!


The Wolf Emperor broke countless trees on its way.

While in the air, the Wolf used all its might to change its course and landed on the ground.

Extremely infuriated by his weakness, the Wolf easily lost some of its strings.

"Grrrraaa! T-This! I am going to lose?! No! Impossible! I won't accept this! No bug can beat me!"

The Wolf Emperor entered on a berserk status and all his physical capabilities increased!

A very thick Crimson Red aura exuded from his body and his eyes glowed with a bright red!

In the blink of an eye it flashed over my body and hit me so hard it blasted me across several trees!


An incredible pain filled my body as I felt a numbness all over my mind!


Suddenly, while I was on the blink of loosing consciousness, a system message appeared out of thin air.


[System message: You are in a dangerous situation; your HP is lower than 10%]

"Y-Yeah... Thanks for the useless reminder, not like it's going to help, I lack any type of healing skill..."


A Crimson red figure appeared ahead of me in mere seconds!

"That was a good fight, Undine Butterfly Kireina, but you are too weak. The strong wins and the weak dies and get devoured, this is the basic rule of this world, now prepare yourself."

"Gaaack… Bahaha...! "

"What are you laughing at? You're close to dying, yet you laugh at your own situation, don't you have any grievance?"

"What are you even talking brainless bastard, this is my win... Check mate..."

"You are talking nonse-"


The Wolf Emperor began to spit big amounts of blood and his berserk form was deactivated!

It struggled to stand up but it didn't have any strength left on his limbs, as if his entire blood was completely drained!

Confused over its current status, the wolf looked at me with extreme hate.

"W-What did you do?! What?! How??!!"

"Hahaha... do all of you stupid monsters lack basic common sense...? All the attacks we did to you from long range with Rimuru were to drain your blood out…"


"That's why I was always aiming at your wounds to make them worse and don't let them regenerate... Stupid dog... Die already..."

"N-no...! I am... The proud Crimson Wolf Emperor...! I can't... die... I... RAAAAAAA!"

On its last breath, the Crimson Wolf Emperor raised its claws going for the kill!

"T-This is bad...! I can't move...!"

But right on this moment, a big bullet hit the Crimson Wolf Emperor head and knocked him out!



I slowly moved my head and glanced at the tired Rimuru who just finished the Wolf Emperor for good.

"Haha... Well done Rimuru, all this fight was your fault, I am glad you killed the bastard..."

"Geeeeehh... Guuuu..."

[Rimuru gained 4390 EXP] [You've gained 2195 EXP]

[You've gained three levels!] [Level 14/20 EXP 142/1050]

[Servant Rimuru is already at max level] [SERVANT RIMURU EXP 5942/0000]

[Your status recovered] [Party Member: Servant Rimuru status recovered]

"Haah... My HP is back but my whole body still hurts like hell... Ugghh... I'm so hungry..."

I slowly moved near the dead Crimson Wolf Emperor body and started munching on him.

Munch, munch.

A delicious and rich meat flavor filled my mouth.

"T-This meat... It's so good! This is better than any Wagyu beef I have ever tasted in my entire life! Aaaaaaaahhhh! I'm in heaven right now! My Stamina already recovered completely just from a few bites! This is such a miraculous meat! Here Rimuru, have a bite!"

I chopped a big piece of meat and shared it with Rimuru.


Rimuru absorbed the big piece of meat very slowly as if tasting every piece of it!

Rimuru Stamina quickly regenerated to the max!


Rimuru started to look worried as if he forgot about something very important and ran to the opposite direction of the fight.


"Rimuru...? Where are you going? Wait!"

After a while, Rimuru came back with the weak Crimson Wolf King which was originally fighting with the Emperor!


"W-What?! Who is that? Oh, right the guy that almost died..."

Rimuru brought it close to the Emperor dead body and shared a piece of meat.

The Wolf King sniffed the meat and doubted if he should eat it, but after some time it started to munch on it.

"Uuh? Is he really okay with cannibalism?"

Out of nowhere, I heard a weak but polite voice coming from the Wolf King.

"Thank you so much for saving my life, Master, I shall eat the meat of the former Emperor in order to celebrate the meeting with my master!"

"W-What?! Master? Me? Well... If you really want to it's fine, I guess..."

Suddenly, a system message appeared on my sight.

[Do you want to make: Crimson Wolf King your servant?]

[>Yes No]

"Sure! Yes!"


[You have successfully obtained your second servant, 2/20]

[Do you want to give a name to: Crimson Wolf King?]

"I guess..."

[Select a fitting name]

"Hmmm... Wagyu! Hahaha!"


[The name: Wagyu, has been granted to the servant: Crimson Wolf King]

"Buhahaha! Do you like your new name Wagyu?

As if incredibly happy, Wagyu started to move his tail.

"Master! I'm so honored to receive such a beautiful name from you! I shall be known as Wagyu from now on!"

"Hahaha... Yeah! ... It's boring if he doesn't get it... Never mind..."

[You obtained a new Title: Crimson Wolf Emperor]

[You and your servants learned the following Skills]

[Crimson Wolf Emperor Silver Body]

[Crimson Wolf Emperor Strong Senses]

[Crimson Wolf Emperor Strong Tackle and Bite]

[Crimson Wolf Berserk Mode]

[Crimson Wolf Emperor Hell Aura]

[High Fire Element Affinity]

[Blessing of the Fire Spirit]

[Basic Fireball]

"Ooohh? Oohohoho?! We all got amazing skills! We struggled so much Rimuru, but we did it!"


Wagyu looked at me with confusion on his face.

"Excuse me, Master Kireina, but how was it possible for me to learn new skills after eating the former Emperor? I have never had such ability before in my life…"

"Oh? Ah right, this is some kind of special ability only for me! But if I grant any of my servants with a name, they can share it with me! Isn't it awesome?"

"You're so lucky to have me as your Master, you will become extremely strong in the future! I'll make you work to the bone! Hahaha!"

Wagyu moved his tail in happiness and started to lick my little butterfly body.

Slurp slurp

"Thank you so much Master Kireina! And senior Rimuru! I will make sure to use this power to repay you for saving my life!"

"Guuuueehhh This is disgusting! Stop! I said stop, brainless dog! Gaaaaahh!"

Wagyu slowly stopped licking my body and it sit down obediently on the ground.

"I'm sincerely sorry Master Kireina! It's just that this is the way that we, the Crimson Wolves, show affection to our beloved ones!"

"Sigh… Alright, stop making such a sad face, I'll wrap up the Emperor's meat and we will head to a new home, by the way Wagyu, do you know of any nearby cave to pass the night in?"

Wagyu stood from the ground and started to slowly walk to the East.

"Here Master Kireina, Senior Rimuru! I know of a good cave where I used to live with my family, come with me!"


Rimuru followed Wagyu while jumping over him, being happy about his new friend.

"Your family… do you mean that there will be more like you to take care of? No way…"

"You are misunderstanding Master Kireina, my family died days ago in the claws of the former Emperor… I was the only survivor…"

"W-What?! How can that be possible? Shouldn't the Emperor be protecting you all instead, why would he attack his own people?"

Wagyu stood still and looked at me with doubt on his face.

"Master Kireina, I don't know what kind of understanding you have over a real Emperor's duty, but Emperor class monsters don't protect their kind, it's the contrary, they order us to fight for them and die in horrible ways, they take our women and kill our children."


"Yes, I was the best candidate for the next Emperor role in my family, before I could even challenge the former Emperor for the title, he attacked my family in advance and took me by surprise."


"We fought for a long time but I was enraged over what he did to my mother and sisters, and how he devoured my father, so I couldn't think straight and was easily overpowered by him…"

"I was about to die in grievance, but that's where you two appeared out of nowhere and save me! I would be dead if it wasn't for you, and all that suffering would had been for nothing… My mother, my sisters, my father, they all wanted for me to live and become the new Emperor. To unify the Crimson Wolves in a true clan."

"Now that I am alive… I will become the next Emperor and unify my kind; we will become a clan!"

"A clan you say… Are you sure about that, Wagyu? Do you want to become the Emperor? Do you think that you have what it takes?"

"Master Kireina… I… I'm sorry if I came as disrespectful, that was not my intention…"

"What are you talking about, idiot? I'm not angry. I am just asking you straight. Do you want to become the Emperor?"

In front of Wagyu a system message appeared out of thin air.


[Master Kireina has offered you the [Crimson Wolf Emperor] Title, do you accept?]

[>Yes No]

"Master Kireina… I… is it really true? Do you not mind?"

"Of course I don't, stupid dog. Now what do you say?"

"I accept! Thank you so much Master Kireina! The future Crimson Wolf Clan shall be in your service for the rest of our lives!"

[Wagyu accepted the Title: [Crimson Wolf Emperor]

[You lost the Title: [Crimson Wolf Emperor]

[Congratulations! Party Member: Wagyu has accomplished certain conditions and can now become an Emperor Class Monster]

"Very well, tonight you two will evolve, I hope you get good evolution choices. Anyways, lets head to that cave Wagyu, it will become our new home from now on"

"Yes, Master Kireina! But… The corpses of my family are still there… I…"

"Hmm? Do you want to bury them?"

"No, Master Kireina, if it's possible, can you let me eat them? This is a ritual that we Crimson Wolves do when a familiar die, we eat they meat, bones and organs so they can keep living inside of us and give us their strength."

"I see… Do as you please."

"Thank you so much Master Kireina, I shall go ahead then, the cave is just straight from here, its marked with a red paw mark, it will be easy to find"

"Go ahead then…"



Wagyu went ahead at full speed.

"Sigh… I never thought that there would be such tragic stories in this world, I suppose every sentient being can suffer… I had the wrong idea about all of this, I can see now that it's way darker…"


"W-What are you doing Rimuru?! Can't you let me finish my monologue at least?! Sigh, you stupid blob! Hahaha! Stop jumping over me!"

When we got to the cave Wagyu has already cleaned it entirely, he ate his family corpses quite fast. Sigh, it must have been hard for him.

I used my threads to accommodate some basic things on the cave, specially 3 beds.

Using some big stones, I closed the entrance of the cave, so only I can open it.

"Alright, time for sleep you two! Tomorrow we will go looking for more minions… I mean allies! Yeah, that!"

Before sleep I'll checked everyone's status.

[NAME: Kireina

[CLASS: None

[RACE: Undine Butterfly

[Level: 14/20 EXP: 142/1050 STATUS: Full

[HP: 49/49 MP: 75/75 STAMINA: 243/120 (+10)

[STRENGTH: 35 (+3)

[DEFENCE: 37 (+3)

[MAGIC: 46


[SPEED: 46 (+3)


[LUCK: -2

"Damn I got so strong from all those level ups… I also have so many skills now… I wish there was a way to combine them and reduce the amount of skills. It would be easier to browse through, something like a Synthesis skill could work, hmm maybe if I eat an Alchemist? Haha but there's barely any humans in here and I bet they're completely insane power wise…"

[NAME: Rimuru

[CLASS: None

[RACE: Lower Water Being (Slime)

[Level: 10/10 EXP: 5942/0000 STATUS: Full

[HP: 35/35 MP: 40/40 STAMINA: 157/100



[MAGIC: 34


[SPEED: 33


[LUCK: 0

"You've grown so fast in just two days Rimuru! I hope you can evolve into something strong tonight!"


[NAME: Wagyu

[CLASS: None

[RACE: Crimson Wolf King

[Level: 20/20 EXP: 321/000 STATUS: Fine

[HP: 74/74 MP: 25/25 STAMINA: 127/150



[MAGIC: 24


[SPEED: 53


[LUCK: 1

[TITLES: [Born Bellow a Lucky Star]

"Woow! Wagyu is insane! His stats are almost like mine and he beats me in some too, also what is that title? "Born Bellow a Lucky Star"?"

"Master Kireina, this title was given to me because I was born on a specific night where what we call lucky stars fall from the sky, it gives me 1 positive luck stat, it also says that if I become strong enough I will be able to grow my luck stat while leveling."

"Amazing… so that's why you got so lucky with us, and that's only one positive luck stat! imagine 50! 100! 1000! I could manipulate the thread of destiny itself! I need a title like that! I wish I could just plunder it from you Wagyu…"

"Hahaha! You really say very funny things Master Kireina!"

"Yeeaahh… I'm a master comedian…"

"Master Kireina… Did you really mean it? I will give you this title then, it is nothing compared to what you have done for me"

[Wagyu has offered you his Title: Born Below a Lucky Star]

[Do you accept?]

[>Yes No]

"W-What?! Really?! Well If you really want to give it to me then!"

[You have accepted the Title: Born Below a Lucky Star]

[Certain Conditions have been accomplished]

[You obtained a new Title: The One Who Steals Fate Itself]

[You learned a new skill]

[Basic Thread of Fate Manipulation]

"W-What? What is this over powered skill! It sounds amazing!"


[System error]

[Due to certain requirements, you are unable to use the Skill and Title]

[The One Who Steals Fate Itself]

[Basic Thread of Fate Manipulation]

[Both the Skill and the Title have been sealed]

"Geeeh… I see… Maybe it's too soon for me to use them, can you tell me the conditions at the very least Mysterious Voice?"

[The conditions are as follows]

[Become a God Class being]

[Lead a Country]

[More than 1k Minions at your disposal]

"W-What?! How will I even accomplish this? Are you kidding me? Haaahh… At the very least I got the Luck title…"

[Your Luck stat have increased by 1, current Luck stat: -1]

[After a certain level of power is accomplished, you will be able to grow Luck by leveling up]

"Hmm still at negative value… It really doesn't matter at this point to be honest… I will just sleep for now, good night my servants!"


"Sleep well Master Kireina!"


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