
Chapter content

(Harpy Girl Perspective)

It has been three years since I became a slave. I used to live with my family in the mountains, with the rest of my tribe. But it all changed when that strange man came to our town. He promised us nice things and was strong and brave. ​​

But it was all a lie. He ended up tricking us. Convincing us to go outside our territory and make a visit to his town. He told us that he made a big feast for us. My father told me that he was an admirable man, and the hero of humans. But that he also wanted to protect us demi-humans…

It was all a lie… All a lie… The humans ambushed us and used a strange magic to make us obey them. They took my big sister and do horrible things to her… So horrible… My father remained with me but was mostly used because of his strength. Thanks to this, he managed to convince the humans to make me stick with him. He lamented every day what he did, which resulted in the total enslavement of our tribe.

My father was a fool… A muscle brain, my mother used to call him that. He was too easily convinced by the human. And because he was the chief of our tribe, he ended up convincing the elders. After what happened. The humans killed the elders and sold the mature women as prostitutes. My mother… My big sister… I haven't seen them in two years… Where are they? Are you okay? I miss you so much…

Due to my strange blessing, I had a unique ability which helped me on increasing my power, thanks to this, the humans saw me as a good warrior and used me on their hunts… But even when I was stronger than them, I still had to obey them. This strange magic is unfair! So unfair! The strong should always win against the weak! Yet… We, the strong Harpy Tribe, lost to the weak humans and their treacherous tricks.

Three long years have passed. In all this time, I have managed to stick with my father, the only pillar in my life. Even if he did such things, even if his mistake ended on the doom of our tribe. I still can't… I still can't hate him… He is my dear father… I believe that one day, we will be freed, I will train hard every day until I can outpower this magic, and free my people. On that day, the Harpy folk will finally be able to soar the skies freely, as we always wanted to.

Even when we are enslaved, our hearts will always be free. And we will fight with our free hearts to free our bodies. We will soar the skies, someday we will soar the skies. It will be beautiful, magnificent. I will beat all those humans to a pulp, and show the might of the Harpy folk…

For now, I must persevere. With my father at my side, we must survive and get stronger, step by step.


Today the humans at our charge took us and some other slaves to a new location. This location seems to be a big and vast forest. We crossed through the Vast Plains in a caravan.

On the caravan, some other humans were there. They were strange, they didn't look at us with hate or disgust. Or with lust on their eyes. They looked at us with pity and concern. Who are these people? Can humans feel pity or concern?

A large man with brown hair and blue eyes talked with me, he didn't stop talking about his little brother. And how much he loved him. He told me that his little brother was very talented in magic. And that one day he would become a powerful mage.

Why are these humans so different? Can they comprehend our pain? He told me about his life, without any concern. He even treated me like an equal, why is that?

For a moment I thought that this human could help me get out of this place, he looked at me with such compassion, only my father, my mother, and my big sister looked at me like this.

When I tried to talk with him, my father stopped me.

"Nephiana, don't talk with that human. He must be trying to trick you. Ignore him. Humans only talk lies. Nothing but lies…"

"Yes, father"

I wanted to talk with the human, but if father told me that he was trying to trick me. I realized that perhaps all he was talking about was some kind of way to get closer to me. Perhaps, he wanted to approach me and touch my body. Like all those horrible humans did in the past.

I decided to stay silent and looked at the floor, ignoring the human talk. After some time, he stopped talking as he looked at the horizon.


When we reached the forest, the humans separated from the caravan as I saw that man and his group for the last time in my life.

The humans carried us towards the deeps of the forest and after two hours, they stopped to take a rest. While we were waiting inside the caravan, some humans came and brought us some food. It was only a piece of hard bread for everyone. I remember eating the delicious meat from the animals we raised in the mountains. We had a big feast were everyone ate to their heart content…

While I accompanied my father on our lunch. Another human came, looking all over our group. Until he stopped his gaze on me. I could see his real intentions. He had the face of a hungry predator. Looking for what to devour. Such eyes, such sinful eyes. Humans are truly the most deplorable beings in this world.

Against my own will, the human grabbed my arm. My father tried with all his might to stop him, but the strange enslavement magic paralyzed him when he tried to harm the human, making him struggle on his pain on the floor.

"Nooo! L-Leave my daughter alone! P-Please! I will do anything! You can torture me! Make me starve! Leave me with the monsters again! But please, not my daughter! Leave her… Alone…!"

I couldn't contain myself after seeing my father struggle in such pain, as my face was filled with resentful tears towards the humans.

The human laughed at him as he dragged me to his tent.

"Bwahaha! Shut up, bird! Now come with me, whore. I always wanted to taste your body. My senior finally let me take you today!"

As much as I struggled it was in vain, as a powerful pain came crossing through my entire body, paralyzing me. The human throw me on a bed as he began to undress himself. I am not strange about this. I have already been taken multiple times by these monsters that call themselves humans.

Monsters? Even monsters would never do such things. Monsters are ruthless and wild. But they are the representation of this world. They are pure beings, they kill and eat their prey, without wasting a bone. They don't torture for pleasure. Monsters aren't like humans. Humans are worse. Humans are worse than monsters. I wish I could kill all the humans. Destroy them, impale them, make them into minced meat. Bathe in their blood. Damned humans. Damned humans…

When the human was about to begin his assault, a strong bang resounded all around the caravan.

The human began to freak out as he dressed himself again and went outside.

"W-What was that?! Eh? M-Monsters?"

Suddenly, my eardrums were filled with the noises of all those humans suffering in pain.






I heard as the humans became pieces of meat, and feel down the ground. With a single slash, all the humans died on the spot. I couldn't believe what was going on. The humans just suddenly died. Just like that. They all died. My most precious fantasy, my dearest dream, was accomplished. All of them died. So beautiful, so this is how humans die, their screams, they were the most delicious of delicacies.

I quickly rushed outside the tent to see the one who did it and found a big group of different sized monkeys and wolves. They were different, they looked at us with concern and pity. They had intelligence on their glares. I've never seen intelligent monsters before, who are they? My saviors…

My father suddenly took me from my back as he made me kneel on the ground. The other slave also did the same, I even noticed some fear on their eyes, but why? Even if we were to meet our end with them, I would be fine. It would be better than getting killed by those weak humans.

However, the monkey warrior slowly walked towards us as he gave us his hand.

"Are you fine? Those humans, were they your companions? They attacked us first, so I had to protect my people…"

My father talked with the monkey and told him that those humans were enslaving us, and treating us horrible. He told them that they were our saviors. After all of this, the monkeys and wolves talked for a moment and decided to help us. They spoke about a Kingdom in this forest, were monsters and demi-humans could live freely. Helping each other get stronger and survive. A utopia for all of us.

I never thought that such an outcome would ever happen. Due to these events, we were free once again. Free from the human's hands…

Some monkeys decided to help us out as they guided us towards the Kingdom. I can't wait to meet the people there. The monkeys talked about their benevolent and beautiful Empress, a fairy. She was described as a beautiful and incredibly strong being, but she was also benevolent. She loved everyone and always did her best to protect them.

I want to meet her, my savior. She was named, Kireina…

After equipping my new armor and having a small lunch, we proceeded through the dungeon. Gaby was jumping around with a lot of energy; she was excited about what awaits us on the second floor.

While walking and seeing my wives talk, I browsed through my Item Box and opened the [HP and MP Potion Pack]. Suddenly, a bright light appeared on my hand as five green-colored potions appeared. These potions were actually for both HP and MP. Very useful. I decided to drink one and save the rest for Kusuri, so he can replicate them later.

The potion had a hint of liquor on it, with a small sweetness and a floral fragrance.

[You learned the following Skill]

[Increased HP and MP Regeneration]

I didn't get something like [HP and MP Potion Secretion] … Is it because I already drank an HP and MP Potion? So, I can't get a skill that works the same. After seeing me drinking the potion, my wives and Gaby also did the same, obtaining the same skill.

This is rather nice. If they can increase their regeneration even more with these potions, we could mass-produce them in the future and increase the regeneration of all my people. I don't remember the other potions giving such skill.

After reaching the second floor, we found the first monsters. This floor monsters were a strange slime variant that took the shape of cubes, they were also pretty big, the smallest one being of the size of a car. These slimes specialized on defense, while also throwing corrosive acids and even manipulating Poison. The cores were also cubic.

Gaby and Brontes had their fun slashing several of them. Zehe and Nesiphae ended up joining them as they were a bit bored. Gaby's pet, [Guubo] helped us take the bodies of the slimes with his [Auto Item Pickup] skill. It was very convenient. Some Cube Slimes even had strange things inside, I noticed several ones with the bones of monsters and humans inside their bodies, using them as decoration. Others had precious gems and even weapons and armor.

I ended up joining the fight as I killed several Cube Slimes with my bow. I enslaved two Cube Slimes on the way, it was a purple and a red one. We also encountered the previous floor slimes and decided to enslave one too.

[You successfully made a Blood Pact with two: Corrosive Cube Slime and one Jumping Alchemy Slime] [56/120]

[You gained 185880 EXP] [The rest of your servants gained tons of EXP]

[You gained one level!] [LEVEL 32/70 EXP 117650/136000]

[Your servants gained tons of levels!]

Every time someone gains a level, you always fully recover your stats, but this has been slowly changing. It seems that as one progressively becomes stronger, the auto-healing becomes weaker. Before it could completely heal someone's entire HP and MP. Now it only heals 50%. Probably in the future, it won't heal anything at all.

I think that this auto-heal is granted to weaker beings, as a way to incentive their growth. But this is still unclear, I still haven't figured out the true nature of the EXP that we obtain, or the levels themselves. I should ask Redgaria about it when I'm back home.

We decided to sit for a moment and ate some slimes, these cubic slimes taste very bitter, and their cores were a bad combination of bitterness and spiciness. It tasted so bad we had to eat another thing to pass on the flavor on our mouths.

[You and your servants learned the following Skills]

[Corrosive Cube Slime Core]

[Paralyzing Corrosive Acid Coating]

[Poison Enhancement]

Not so many skills, but I've gotten a bunch already, and these monsters aren't much different than the last ones. So, it's understandable, I hope the boss doesn't disappoint me.

When we reached the boss's door, we decided to enter with an explosive attack, surprising the sleeping boss.

Suddenly, countless "guu" noises began to spread around the entire room, as we finally saw the boss of this floor. It was an incredibly big colony of Cube Slimes stuck together like a Rubik Cube. It was rather hilarious. The entire colony had two leaders who were larger than the rest, I assumed they were the Emperor and Empress? I couldn't really tell.

Zehe and Nesiphae decided to take action on this boss, as they jumped off the ground. The boss was able to shoot powerful venomous rays everywhere, with a strong corrosive acid that could melt the dungeon walls with ease. It had also an interesting skill named [Poison Solidification], which allowed it to spread a powerful poison wall and make it into a hard armor.

However, even with these tricks, my wives were able to easily overpower it with pure strength and offensive magic. Nesiphae used some new Axe techniques she obtained from the Undead Knight, masterfully dancing with her massive axe, slashing and destroying the boss. Zehe decided to show us some new magic she has been working on. It seemed to summon powerful vortex similar to black holes around the boss, these would absorb a chunk of its entire mass in mere seconds, and then detonate. It was very strong. I remember Zehe not being the best on offensive magic, but she has improved a lot.

Nesiphae and Zehe summoned their "trapping" skills as they trapped the Boss in place, slashing its big body until it couldn't help itself and collapsed on the ground.


Suddenly, big amounts of multi-colored liquids filled the entire room, it was quite a funny scene.

[You gained 213570 EXP] [The rest of your servants gained tons of EXP]

[You gained two levels!] [LEVEL 34/70 EXP 55220/148000]

[Your servants gained tons of levels!]

[Congratulations, you and your party have successfully defeated the Floor Guardian]

[Everyone on your party have received a [Reward Gift (Rare++)] x2 and [Antidote Pack (5)] on your Item Box]

"Oh, so this time it was an Antidote Pack… And Rare++ Reward Gift…?"

Suddenly, my wives began to open their reward gifts, yelling in amusement. Rimuru obtained a new set of armor and a beautiful purple lance, both items of Rare++ class.

Zehe got herself with an interesting book that could teach her [Poison Magic Mastery] and a pair of Poison Gloves of Rare++ class.

Nesiphae obtained an [Rare++] armor that had the skill [Body Adaptability], the armor seemed to grant more stats than her current one, so she changed it for this one. She also got a [Body Enhancement Potion] which permanently increased her growth in Strength stat by 50% per level.

Brontes obtained a [Mind Enhancement Potion] and a super rare [Unique] dress, but this dress was quite weird, as it didn't resemble anything we have ever seen before… Or is it?

"Wait… Is that a Maid outfit? No way…"

I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing, it was a perfectly made Maid dress! This dress had the skills [Body Adaptability] and [Speed Enhancement]. I really wanted Brontes to try it on.

Without even thinking it for a moment, Brontes tried the beautiful Maid dress. It fitted her body so well! Even if she is tall and a little muscular, one could still see her beautiful and delicate femininity! Her beautiful legs looked even better with those Maid stockings, and those shoes were shiny and lovely.

Brontes began to spin around and looked at me with a blushed face.

"Big sis… How do I look?"

"Y-You look amazing! Spectacular! Beautiful! My Brontes is the most beautiful Cyclops there will ever be!"

After so many compliments, Brontes began to blush until she looked like a tomato, and hugged me tightly, with all her herculean strength.


"Guuuaaah! D-Don't be so rough!"

Going back on topic, Gaby obtained a powerful Poison Sword and a Poison Dagger, both of Rare++ class. She tried them on as she found out she was quite talented on dual wielding.

From my Reward Gifts, I obtained a Rare++ Glove Armor, it was called "Poisonous Mistress" and had the skills [Poisonous Touch] and [Armor Transformation].

[Armor Transformation] made the Glove Armor possible to mold itself into different shapes, I could extend it like big claws or even make it into a sharp blade.

The second item I got was a [Skill Scroll: Poison Assassin Class], after consuming it, I obtained the Poison Assassin Class on my tree, so I could freely switch to that whenever I wanted. It had interesting skills but nothing much that I couldn't obtain from eating monsters. Although the power of the skills obtained from classes will always be greater.

After having a nice meal, Brontes decided to take out the Maid outfit as she didn't like her body to be so covered, only wearing some small animal pelts on her breast and hips. As she changed her clothes, inside my heart, I felt as if I lost something precious…

Brontes looked at me with a blushed face and told me that she would use it in the castle room if I asked her nicely. Ahhh, my Brontes is so nice.

This slime boss tasted quite sweet with tones of bitterness, I discovered that if I cook several slimes together until they boil, and then let them freeze for some minutes, they would become a beautiful rainbow-colored jelly. We ended up eating instead of the raw boss.

[Rainbow Slime Jelly: A deliciously sweet Jelly made with different kinds of Slimes. It has different sweet flavors and fragrances, with a small hint of liquor]

[Effect: Grants +6 Magic and Resistance for the next 24 hours]

[Heals 90 MP and 60 Stamina]

[You and your servants learned the following Skills]

[Corrosive Cubic Slime Colony Emperor Core]

[Corrosive Cursed Poison Beam]

[Poison Solidification]

[Poison Strengthening]

[You learned the following Skills]

[Slime Combination]

[Forbidden Summon Magic: Corrosive Cube Slime]

These new skills only for me were quite impressive, the first one; [Slime Combination] let me fuse any slime that I was able to summon, to form a stronger slime. The only restriction is that I can't fuse slimes with a soul, like Rimuru and the Slime Family, who already developed a soul through evolution.

The other skill; [Forbidden Summon Magic: Corrosive Cube Slime] gave the ability to summon any variant of Cube Slime, this included a lot of different colors. Maybe I could summon a bunch of different slimes and fuse hundreds into a big blob that can protect the whole forest…

After filling our stomachs with a nice meal, we continued our journey. This time there wasn't any secret room on this floor, sadly.

While we walked downstairs, Gaby played around with her pet.

Boing Boing

Guubo jumped around playing tag with Gaby, while giving small sparks every time it jumped off the ground.

"Guuu! Guuuu!"

"Guubo! Come here! Hahaha!"

After seeing such affection, Rimuru remembered her times before becoming my wife, when she had a simpler mind and licked to jump around when she was happy.

"Mastaa! Let's play!"


Suddenly, Rimuru transformed back to her original Slime form, looking like a translucent rainbow jelly.

"Guuu! Catch me! Catch me!"

I couldn't resist such cuteness so I had to play along with her. She always liked to play like this before. My wives looked at us with adorableness, I could even notice the desire to play with Rimuru on their eyes, but tried to play like a "mature" woman as they only watched us from the side.

When we reached the third floor, we encountered a new type of slime alongside the previous floor slimes. These new slimes were able to levitate and fly around like a formless mass. Inside of them, there was a different kind of Slime Cores, that shined on a rainbow light. This new variant had the power to control three different magic elements, and were talented mages, shooting different types of spells. This was a nice practice for all of us, as we could practice our evasion against strong magic attackers.

After slaying around 22, Guubo began to glow on a bright yellow light, as its body started to expand. When the light finally dissipated, it had evolved. Guubo became a "Lighting Lord Slime", and was about three times its size, its core also increase its size and I could sense that it was filled with a strong magic power.

Guubo rushed through the dungeon destroying every other rival slime on its way while picking up their cores. After Guubo massacre I ended up enslaving one of these slimes.

[You successfully made a Blood Pact with Triple Elemental Sage Slime] [57/120]

[You gained 174340 EXP] [The rest of your party gained tons of EXP]

[You gained one level!] [LEVEL 35/70 EXP 81560/156000]

[Your servants gained tons of levels!]

These slimes bodies had a strong fruit flavor, and every time you bite on their cores, a small concentrated magic juice will come out, it quickly healed all our MP.

[You and your party learned the following Skills]

[Triple Elemental Sage Slime Core]

[Slime Triple Elemental Enhancement]

[Fire, Ice and Thunder Spear Rain]

As we reached the boss room, I've been feeling a strange presence following us from before, but I've tried to play dumb until it showed itself. When we entered the boss room, it seemed to have stopped in front of the door, awaiting our result.

The boss of the third floor was a Triple Elemental Sage Slime Emperor, its mass was extremely big, having countless cores inside of its watery body.

It was quite a master of magic, being able to cast more than one spell at the same time, surrounding itself with countless magic circles and shooting elemental magic attacks everywhere. Its power was quite formidable. I ended up assisting Gaby because she didn't have the best Resistance or shield moves. I distracted the boss and sealed some of its cores, while Gaby used her Blade Energy attacks to shatter its main core.

After its main core was shattered in half, the boss quickly died down, falling to the ground, forming a small rainbow lake.

[You gained 196100 EXP] [The rest of your party gained tons of EXP]

[You gained one level!] [LEVEL 36/70 EXP 121660/164000]

[Your servants gained tons of levels!]

[Congratulations, you and your party have successfully defeated the Floor Guardian]

[Everyone on your party have received a [Reward Gift (Rare++)] x2 and [Strengthening Potion Pack (3)] on your Item Box]

As we finished off the boss, the presence following us silently entered the room. I was already fed up with it following us everywhere, so I shot a small fireball right in front of it.



"Eh? A girl?"

My wives and Gaby became aware of its presence as they got on their battle stances.

Suddenly, a high pitch female voice was heard all across the room.

"W-What do you think you're doing?! How dare you attack a spirit like me?! Let me tell you that I am no normal spirit! But a High Spirit! You must kneel down to me! How dare you, a mortal, attack me?! Are you fine in the head? Who do you think you are?!"







"W-What? Why are you not saying anything? Hey! Hello?!"

Oh, so it was that. She was a spirit… But what's with that personality? Also, shouldn't she be sealed?

In the end, we had to apologize or the spirit wouldn't stop rambling and insulting us. Her name was Crinaeae, I will just shorten it to Crina. Her body had the appearance of a small humanoid girl made of water (not slime). She told us that when she noticed our strong presence, and how quickly we killed each floor boss, she had the hope to ask us for help.

"The thing is, I don't have any immediate compensation right now… But I really need your help, I've been waiting for someone strong enough to defeat the dungeon bosses for ages… P-Please, save my family…"

Zehe was rather interested in Crina background.

"Family? Are there more spirits here?"

Crina nodded while floating around.

"Hmm. My family was sealed long ago. It has been so many years, I have already lost the count… In ancient times, spirits used to reign on the surface, granting wishes to any mortal that venerated us. But the Humans noticed our power and how quickly our children grow, so they decided to seal the majority of us as they feared one day, we would outpower their Kingdoms…"

"Luckily for me, I was too small back then, as I was a very young spirit. Due to this, I was able to hide long enough as I saw all my family be sealed. I've been living so many years, seeing all my family fade away into nothingness… Those seals drain the Spirit stat from our people, as they grow older and older, their Spirit stat regeneration deteriorates, as the seals consume more and more power, they end up dying. Consumed by the seals"

Brontes who was at my side clenched her fist.

"Humans… They are bad… Humans do bad things to us… Humans will pay"

Crina barely noticed that Brontes was actually a Spirit, just like her.

"Wait, you are a spirit? What is your name? From what region do you come from?"

Brontes waved her head.

"Hmm… I don't know… I just was summoned by father Meiji… Since then, big sister and her family have raised me, and my brothers"

Crina was surprised by such revelation, it seems that she didn't know about spirits being summoned by other beings.

"S-Summoned? But how? In the past, spirits weren't summoned, but other monsters… This is strange… Probably something on the system that these wicked Gods created made us be able to be summoned…"

System? Created by gods? What does she mean?

"Wait up, Crina. What do you mean by gods creating the system?"

"Oh? Didn't you know? Well, it's obvious. You are a very young being, Kireina. Indeed, the Supreme Gods were the ones responsible for the creation of the System that you are so familiar with. In the past, there wasn't such a thing"

"I-I see… And why did they do that?"

"Hmph. Who knows? Even I, a very old spirit, cannot figure that out. Gods are supreme beings that inhabit the higher realms. Their wisdom and power are unparalleled, now imagine the Supreme Gods. Higher than any other god, they were the original gods, the ones that started it all… Anyways, we are going too off-topic on this, you can make more questions after you complete my request"

At first, I thought of Crina as a very weak and useless spirit, asking us for something without giving anything in exchange. But after hearing her words and realizing the amount of knowledge that she possesses. I immediately decided to help her out. It's not like I wasn't going to kill all the bosses and conquer the dungeon anyway.

"Alright then, we will help"

Crina suddenly opened her watery eyes as she looked at me with surprise.

"Ooh?! Really? Thank you! It seems that you aren't as dense as I thought, Kireina!"

"What did you just say?!"

"Fueeh! N-Nothing! Hehehe, anyway, let's go!"

"Wait up"


"We will first rest, then we continue"

After my clear decision, Crina began to tantrum like a small child.

"Rest? There isn't time to rest! You need to save my people! They are all dying! Dying! Why can't you comprehend that, you stupid mortal?! Hey! Why are you going away?! Eeh?! How did you take such a big house our of nowhere?! What is that? A pot? Are you cooking now? Hello?! Don't ignore me!!!"

I decided to cook a nice meal before sleeping. I boiled the slime and core of the Triple Elemental Sage Slime Emperor on a big pot, I added several fruits and other sweet slimes inside and made a delicious and nutritious Jelly. I made some tea and took some bread. Nesiphae took a big chunk of meat and asked me if I could cook it into something yummy, so I ended up making stew too.

Crina looked at our happy time stunned as if she froze in time.

"Eh? Are you for real?"

Brontes took a big piece of bread and added some Jelly, and brought it to Crina.

"Crina… Do you want some? It's very yummy"

"B-Brontes… Even you? Fueehh…"

In the end, Crina ended up joining us on our meal and ate a lot for her small size.

[You learned the following Skills]

[Triple Elemental Sage Slime Emperor Arcane Core]

[Triple Elemental Blast of Annihilation]

[Powerful Fire, Ice and Thunder Resistance]

[Spiritual Elements Enhancement]

Skill Fusions of the day:

1) [Thief Goblin Pillage] + [Merfolk Thief Intimidating Grin] + [Merfolk Thief Steal] = [Intimidating Assault]

*Intimidates and steals a random item on the foe possession. Cost: 50 MP.

2) [Advanced Blood Control: Blood Orgy] + [Advanced Blood Control: Blood Lust] + [High Blood Affinity] = [Vampirism]

*Passive. Increases the power of Blood related moves. Increases all stats and gained EXP temporarily after consuming a fair amount of fresh blood.

3) [Hundred Cursed Eyes Arts: Death Sentence] + [Hundred Cursed Eyes Arts: Life Penalty] + [Hundred Cursed Eyes Arts: Debuffing Curse] = [Debuffing Death Sentence Curse]

*Magic. Debuffs all stats by a small amount and grants a death sentence. This death sentence may not work on strong or equal beings. Cost: 200 MP.

4) [Hundred Cursed Eyes Arts: Anti-Debuff Shock] + [Hundred Cursed Eyes Arts: Reverse Debuff] + [Hundred Cursed Eyes Arts: Reverse Buff] = [Buff and Debuff Manipulation]

*Masterful manipulates the buffs and debuffs of a foe or herself. May fail on stronger or equal beings. Cost: 110 MP.

5) [Sticky Slime Secretion and Manipulation] + [Corrosive Poison Secretion] + [Acid Toxic Secretion] = [Corrosive Acid Slime Secretion and Manipulation]

*Can easily dissolve most things with an acidic Slime. Cost: 20 Stamina.

6) [Toxic Slime Secretion] + [Corrosive Toxin Secretion] + [Bloody Lotus Dissolving Juices] = [Toxic Corrosive Dissolving Slime Juices Secretion]

*An upgrade of the Bloody Lotus Dissolving Juices, with a better corrosive power. Can dissolve most things. Cost: 30 Stamina.

7) [Corrosive Acid Slime Secretion and Manipulation] + [Toxic Corrosive Dissolving Slime Juices Secretion] + [Slime Body and Secretion Enhancement] = [Enhanced Dissolving Corrosive Acid Secretion and Manipulation]

*An even better upgrade. There is almost nothing that Kireina cannot consume with this powerful dissolving acid. Cost: 40 Stamina 10 MP.

8) [Icy Slime Secretion] + [Sweet Slime Secretion] + [Delicious Sweet Scent Secretion] = [Cool Sweet Slime Secretion]

*A cool and sweet slime. There isn't much purpose on this other than eating it, its delicious and quite nutritious, like a very sweet and cold jelly, yummy. Cost: 30 Stamina.

9) [Purple Berry Slime Secretion] + [Rainbow Slime Secretion] + [Alchemy Slime Secretion] = [Rainbow Alchemy Slime Secretion]

*Possess countless different substances in one. Can be used for Alchemy, replacing some types of liquids. Cost: 30 Stamina. 20 MP.

10) [Enhanced Dissolving Corrosive Acid Secretion and Manipulation] + [Cool Sweet Slime Secretion] + [Rainbow Alchemy Slime Secretion] = [All-Purpose Enhanced Body Fluids Secretion and Manipulation]

*An incredibly complex skill that lets Kireina secrete a myriad of different fluids, from dissolving juices to sweet ones and even toxic poison. This skill also let her manipulate other body fluids inside her body like Blood. And even create more blood out of nowhere just by using MP. Quickly regaining mass and enhancing her muscles and speed. Cost: 30 Stamina and 20 MP.

11) [Fairy Vampire Empress Demonic Bloody Bite] + [Fairy Vampire Empress Sharp Bloody Fangs and Insatiable Belly] + [Advanced Biting Attack: Holy Flames Fangs] = [Charming Empress of Lust Insatiable Appetite: Fangs of Obliteration]

*[Unique Skill] Passive. Grants Kireina fangs that are able to devour even the hardest of diamonds alongside a void-like belly which can store an infinite amount of food. This skill comes with the abnormal status effect [Insatiable Appetite]. Kireina must eat at least five times her size in food every 20 hours, or she will go on a rampage and eat whatever is in front of her...

She's always eating so there's nothing to worry about haha.

12) [Kraken Shark Sturdy Tentacles] + [Armored Kraken Strong Stamina] + [Eldritch Cursed Blood Poisonous Tentacles] = [Charming Empress of Lust Abyss Devouring Tentacles]

*[Unique Skill] Passive. Kireina can generate and control tentacles at her own will. These tentacles possess various properties. Being able to spread poison or even devour enemies. After using this for too long. Kireina will start to deteriorate and become a horrible abomination. This can be reversed easily by switching the skill off. After this, it takes a cooldown of one day to recover.

13) [High Kraken Powerful Ink Attack] + [High Kraken Ink Control] = [Ink Secretion and Manipulation]

*Kireina can create ink and write things with it, pretty simple. She can shoot it but its not like it will do much damage… Cost: 20 Stamina.

14) [Giant Blue Crab Powerful Intimidation Aura] + [Giant Blue Crab Herculean Strength] + [Giant Blue Crab Incredible Pincers] = [Abyss Crab Intimidating Pincer Attack]

*Powerful pincer attack that can intimidate its foe. Cost: 60 Stamina 20 MP.

15) [Bloody Lotus Sweet Aroma] + [Enchanting Scent] + [Alluring Ecstasy Scent] = [Lustful Sexually Alluring Fragrance]

*Makes most beings get into heat. Works similar to an aphrodisiac. Cost: 50 Stamina and 20 MP.

16) [Fairy Vampire Empress Supernatural Sexual Thirst and Endurance] + [Charming Empress of Lust Hypnotizing Gaze and Scent] + [Lustful Sexually Alluring Fragrance] = [Charming Empress of Lust Special Hypnotizing Sexual Fragrance]

*Possess all the effects of the added skills alongside an enhanced effect. Cost: 60 Stamina and 30 MP.

17) [Paralyzing Coating] + [Corrosive Toxin Coating] + [Paralyzing Corrosive Acid Coating] = [Paralyzing Poison Coating]

*Passive. Can be switched on and off. Coats Kireina's body on a paralyzing poison.

18) [Poison Enhancement] + [Poison Solidification] + [Poison Strengthening] = [Strengthened Solid Poison]

*Can solidify and strengthen any type of poison. Cost: 30 MP.

19) [Paralyzing Poison Coating] + [Strengthened Solid Poison] + [Poisonous Empress Corrosive Cursed Body] = [Charming Empress of Lust Poisonous Abyss Body]

*Passive. Can be switched in and out at any time. Possess all the attributes of the skills above but enhanced. Kireina can switch her body to become incredibly poisonous, a total contrast with her healing properties. Even her blood will become poison as she can freely manipulate it and create countless solidified poison weapons like lances and attack with them.

Kireina stats:

[NAME: Kireina

[CLASS: High Troll Warrior

[SUB CLASS: Merfolk Aquarian Alchemist

[RACE: Mid Soul Devouring Fairy Vampire Empress

[LEVEL 36/70 EXP 121660/164000 STATUS: UNDEAD (FINE)

[ITEM BOX 25/70

[HP: 308/308 MP: 372/372 STAMINA: 195/165 (+50)

[STRENGTH: 279(+41)

[DEFENCE: 270 (+53)

[MAGIC: 468 (+32)

[RESISTANCE: 264 (+58)

[SPEED: 278 (+57)

[CHARISMA: 130 (+40)

[LUCK: -1



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