Dimensional Rifts permeate throughout the Chaotic Universe, bringing with them immense dangers...as well as innumerable treasures.In a small Realm, a destitute boy awakens the Idle Gaming System. Countless Dimensional Rifts later, he lazily raises his head to realize...he is invincible!
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Chapter 1 - A Useless BrotherChapter 2 - A Team Forced To Pick A SlackerChapter 3 - The First Dimensional RiftChapter 4 - I...I Have A System! IChapter 5 - I...I Have A System! IIChapter 6 - My Idle Gaming System!Chapter 7 - Glorious Loot! IChapter 8 - Glorious Loot! IIChapter 9 - A Personage DescendsChapter 10 - Lets Add Another Rift!Chapter 11 - So That’s What It Feels Like!Chapter 12 - A Second Rift On Idle Mode!Chapter 13 - I’ve Been Too Active LatelyChapter 14 - I Could Be A Wealthy Young Master! IChapter 15 - I Could Be A Wealthy Young Master! IIChapter 16 - An Interrupted Slacker IChapter 17 - An Interrupted Slacker IIChapter 18 - Rift Bosses And System Upgrade! IChapter 19 - Rift Bosses And A System Upgrade! IIChapter 20 - The Tower Of ChampionsChapter 21 - Undercurrents, Fusing A Bronze Beast! IChapter 22 - Undercurrents, Fusing A Bronze Beast! IIChapter 23 - BRONZE IChapter 24 - BRONZE IIChapter 25 - The Imperial Will Is Defied! IChapter 26 - The Imperial Will Is Defied! IIChapter 27 - The Imperial Will Is Defied! IIIChapter 28 - I Just Want Peace! IChapter 29 - I Just Want Peace! IIChapter 30 - Reduce The Rifts’ Clear Time!Chapter 31 - Reduce The Rifts’ Clear Time! IIChapter 32 - A Skill Book!Chapter 33 - Just Who Is He?Chapter 34 - Golden Light Falls From The Skies!Chapter 35 - A Lesson On Cruelty! IChapter 36 - A Lesson On Cruelty! IIChapter 37 - We Are Magnanimous!Chapter 38 - Relentless Advancement! IChapter 39 - Relentless Advancement! IIChapter 40 - Subjugated Cities, Fusion To SILVER! IChapter 41 - Subjugated Cities, Fusion To SILVER! IIChapter 42 - Shocking Speed Of ProgressionChapter 43 - Resource Distribution And The Silver Rift!Chapter 44 - Resource Distribution And The Silver Rift! IIChapter 45 - All The Rifts Within The City Under My Grasp!Chapter 46 - I Can Also Be Cruel! IChapter 47 - I Can Also Be Cruel! IIChapter 48 - Before Me, They Are Nothing! IChapter 49 - Before Me, They Are Nothing! IIChapter 50 - Skills And Units!Chapter 51 - Increase The Number Of Subjugated! I
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