
Novel's name: Ten Thousand Fold Increase: Hongmeng Supreme God, Joining The Heavenly And Universal Realms Group

Chapter content

In the group.

A rare calmness subsided.

I probably went to watch the videos uploaded by Xiongba.

After half a sound.

Cao Cao of the Late Han Dynasty: Powerful and powerful! Your offerings are so many, much better than mine!

Flame Spirit Ji: Envy the tyrant, there are so many good things in your world!

Red haired Shanks: Envy the tyrant, there are so many good things in your world!

My favorite way to drink animal milk is to make more good things next time! Only then can I show my piety! By the way, both my grandfather and clan leader agreed and asked me when the next ceremony would be held! How to worship the Hongmeng Supreme God!

Favorite to drink animal milk: @ The world will dominate. Hey, Uncle, you actually caught a beautiful sister and prepared to offer sacrifices to the Supreme God of Hongmeng?

The Heavenly Hero of the World: Of course, Flame Spirit Ji offered herself as a sacrifice, while I, as a big man, would definitely not like to offer myself as a sacrifice to Hongmeng Supreme God. It is best to capture all the beautiful women and offer them as sacrifices!

The Legend of the Condor Heroes, Little Dragon Girl: A miracle, is there really a deity in the world?

Cao Cao of the Late Han Dynasty: @ The Legend of the Condor Heroes, Little Dragon Girl, don't you still believe it? We have shown you all the videos of our sacrifice, and we have all gained strong strength and fulfilled our wishes! Believe in the Supreme God of Hongmeng! As long as you believe in adults, your mere senior sister can be wiped out with a flick of her finger!

Cao Cao of the end of Han Dynasty: @ The world will be dominated by Xiong Ba. Xiong Ba's brother is skilled in this skill, why didn't I expect it? I also choose the purest and most beautiful virgins in the world to offer to my god!

The world will dominate: sweat! JPG.

My favorite drink is animal milk: I'm still young and can't catch beautiful women. I'll let my grandfather and clan leader help me catch exotic beasts!

"This is... the style in the group has changed!"

Tang Yun silently observed the news in the group.

I couldn't help but widen my eyes.

I'm a bit confused.

How could it be that after a series of operations by a powerful warrior, they all decided to sacrifice a beautiful woman to the Supreme God of Hongmeng?

"Forget it, whether you're a beauty or something, as long as you can give yourself the power of faith!" Tang Yun thought through this section and no longer hesitated. He left the chat group and returned to reality, taking stock of the gains he had received this time.

System: Divine level ten thousand fold amplification system

Host: Tang Yun

Divine Domain: 20 million square kilometers, (capable of lifting 20 million square kilometers of Divine Kingdom, with physical strength to crush higher-level gods in the later stage), in Divine Domain state, building 30%.

Realm: Half Step Middle God

Divine Arts: Divine Arts Thunder Sword, Fire Control Divine Arts

Saints: 0

Crazy believer: 0

Devout believers: 2 (Flame Spirit Lady)

True believer: 2 (Cao Cao, loves to drink animal milk the most, Xiong Ba)

Shallow believers: 30

The Power of Belief: 10267

Divine power: 457

Source Power: 0

Divine artifact: Fifth grade divine artifact, Heavenly Rainbow Divine Sword

Eighth level Holy Spirit Beast: 2 Golden Horn Encounters with Heavenly Ox, 2 Purple Eyed Wood Holy Sheep, 2 Golden Winged Fire Feather Phoenix, 2 Cloud Treading Heavenly Horse, 1 Five Element Golden Pig

Seventh level Holy Spirit Seed: 500 pounds

Items: Three thousand year old peaches, three immortal fruits, one ice made Nine Heavenly Cold Iron, one Nine Heavenly Fire Radiant Jade, and one Nine Rank Divine Marrow Pool

"Added ten thousand strands of faith power!"

Tang Yun looked at the panel with great joy in his heart.

A golden horn collides with a beetle, a purple eyed wooden holy sheep, a golden winged phoenix with fiery feathers, a soaring cloud treading heavenly horse, and a five element golden pig!

There is no need to mention the first four.

The Five Elements Golden Pig behind can actually absorb the power of the Five Elements of Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth, improving itself.

It seems that in the future, these Holy Spirit Beasts will become their own combat type Holy Spirit Beasts!

Fifth grade divine weapon, Heavenly Rainbow Divine Sword, divine weapon!

The Great World of Gods

Artifacts are divided into first grade and ninth grade.

First grade is the highest, ninth grade is the lowest!

The Tianhong Divine Sword is of the fifth grade,

As Tang Yun knows on Shen.com.

The artifact used by 108 generals in the Crystal Wall series is only a fifth grade artifact!

The top ten war gods, at the level of heavenly gods, mostly use fourth grade artifacts!

I actually obtained a fifth grade artifact!

This is really amazing!

Thank you all for your support. I hope for your support and touch

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