
Chapter content

Eugene looked into the specter's eyes. It didn’t matter to him whether the specter had drawn the right conclusion or not. But deep down, Eugene believed that the specter had come to an absolutely wrong conclusion.

The specter was mistaken. Furthermore, he had no right to come to such a conclusion. Even if it were truly impossible, it wasn't the specter's place to challenge and judge that.

Yet, Eugene didn't immediately lash out with insults. Despite feeling immense annoyance and rage, he restrained himself, merely clenching his fists until they ached.

It was because he saw a definite resolve in the specter's eyes. The specter had reached his decision based on his own clear convictions.

Though Eugene had little desire to understand those convictions, he still respected them. If he changed his perspective on this matter and set aside his personal feelings, he could see that the specter’s words weren’t entirely wrong.

If one died at the hands of the Demon King of Incarceration, their very existence would be ensnared. It would become impossible for them to reincarnate even in the next era. Eugene didn’t know what the Demon King of Incarceration did with the souls he captured, but regardless, being deprived of reincarnation was an unspeakably horrific fate.

Eugene knew that his existence was intertwined with countless circumstances and factors. If Vermouth had not come for him and reincarnated him, things might have been different. However, he was unique in his current existence because such things had taken place, and as such, he could not waste his uniqueness in vain.

Two reincarnations[1] had endowed Eugene with immense potential. If he could not fully awaken his potential in this era, perhaps it was better to look forward to the next world.

But was that really true?

Was it possible for him to realize his potential in the next era just by avoiding death at the hands of the Demon King of Incarceration?

‘I don't know,’

Eugene realized.

Ordinary people could not recall their past lives. Eugene was no different. During his life as Hamel, he never once recalled Agaroth's memories.

But being utterly deprived of potential was different from having a chance to look forward to realizing it better the next time. If he met his demise at the hands of the Demon King of Incarceration, there would be no future opportunities, but if he died a different death, there was still a possibility for him to continue his struggle in the next life.

After organizing his thoughts, Eugene let out a short sigh. However, he found that he still felt agitated. His emotions were riled up, and they weren’t about to settle that easily. He gave a few more sighs while scratching his head.

Anise and Kristina also remained silent. Was the specter's answer correct? The Saints shared Eugene's sentiments on this matter. However, they didn't actively voice their opinions.

This issue involved the fate of the world, and if Eugene sought advice, Anise and Kristina would offer counsel for Eugene. This would be true not only for the Saints but also for Sienna, Molon, and the members of the Lionheart family who shared Eugene's many secrets.

But they would only offer advice. The final decision could not be made by anyone but Eugene.

It was because

was special. He had equally as much potential as the expectations that weighed heavily on him.

"…Originally, you would have died three hundred years ago, and that would have been the end," the specter spoke up, his gaze fixed on Eugene piercingly.

Eugene remained silent, his eyebrows furrowed at the overt implication of those words. The meaning behind them was clear: the specter was referring to the events at Babel three hundred years ago, regarding his encounter with Belial, the Staff of Incarceration.

"It was a one-time opportunity, a unique exception for the Demon King of Incarceration to have released your soul. It seems he's quite interested in you, but... he seems even more interested in Vermouth,” the specter added.

"....." Eugene couldn’t say anything to counter the specter.

"It was because the opponent was Vermouth that the Demon King of Incarceration bothered to negotiate. Only Vermouth could have... made a pact with the Demon King of Incarceration,” said the specter.

Eugene recalled his first meeting with the Demon King of Incarceration in the desert at Hamel’s tomb.

Your ancestor made an Oath in exchange for freedom, and now its end approaches. The wheel is about to turn again.

Someday, a pact must be made again. Who will take Vermouth's place to make the pact and stop the wheel?

He had not understood the Demon King of Incarceration’s words at the time, but he understood them now.

"Now that Vermouth is not here, if you were to die in Babel, who do you think could make a pact to retrieve your soul? Sienna? Molon? Anise? Or Kristina Rogeris?" asked the specter.

The specter chuckled bitterly and shook his head.

"None of them can make a pact. The Demon King of Incarceration will not bother to make a pact with anyone other than Vermouth. Only Vermouth could negotiate a pact with the Demon King of Incarceration as an equal."

"...And Vermouth made you the Incarnation. He passed on the White Flame Formula, his magic, memories, all that stuff,” responded Eugene.

"I can't be certain why Vermouth did what he did. But... I can speculate,” said the specter, thinking of Vermouth.

Vermouth had been sitting on the scar that Agaroth left on the Demon King of Destruction in the distant past at the end of the Age of Myth. Though the specter did not hold a conversation with Vermouth, he had sensed Vermouth’s emotions to a certain degree. Initially, there was loathing, and later... compassion.

"It seems Vermouth also wants to test you,” the specter said after a pause.

No other conclusion seemed plausible. Vermouth was bound by the chains of Incarceration, and he was sealed along with the Demon King of Destruction. He could not move freely.

It was likely that Vermouth also had pinned his hopes on Eugene that he would eventually come to defeat the Demon King of Incarceration and challenge the Demon King of Destruction.

However, unlike three hundred years ago, Vermouth could not fight alongside Eugene. It would have been challenging for him to even assess Eugene’s qualifications. Thus, he turned the specter into the Incarnation of Destruction.

"I understand," Eugene finally spoke after a considerable silence. "I understand how you became what you are. I understand why you're trying to kill me. But I absolutely cannot sympathize with your view."

Vermouth wanted to test him as well?

It was a terrible notion, but Eugene had to accept it. He knew that Vermouth Lionheart was just the sort to engage in such antics.

"Well, of course, you would think so," the specter said with a smirk.

Eugene clicked his tongue and glared at the specter before saying, "I don't particularly want to understand you, but I do have one more lingering curiosity. Don't you think your approach is a bit extreme?"

If the specter wanted to test Eugene’s qualifications to ascend Babel and challenge the Demon King of Incarceration, was it really necessary to wage a hasty war just to test him?

"I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for getting thrashed by the Demon King of Incarceration and going on a rampage after learning too much. But now we've talked, right? Now that I understand the situation a bit, shouldn't we start thinking differently?" Eugene suggested.

"…Like what?" the specter asked.

"Let's put an end to this pointless war game for starters." Eugene glared at the specter as he spoke, aware that battles were still raging outside. "You said it yourself. After meeting the Demon King of Incarceration, your perspective changed. Originally, you intended to play at war and then die by my hand... but now you say that's no longer possible."

Ultimately, the specter's goal was to test Eugene. Could Eugene defeat the Demon King of Incarceration in battle? That was precisely the reason the specter was going all out against Eugene.

Had Eugene not known the crux of the matter, he would have responded to the specter's murderous intent in kind. But now that he understood, was there a need to continue fighting? Was there really a necessity for them to kill each other?

The specter was powerful. Even if his power wasn’t entirely his own, Eugene acknowledged him as a powerhouse. If the specter lent him his strength as Eugene advanced to Pandemonium and Babel, and even when fighting against the Demon King of Incarceration….

"It's impossible,” the specter said before Eugene could speak. He continued while shaking his head, "The chains of Incarceration bind the Demon King of Destruction. My power is a mere by-product of the Demon King of Destruction, so it wouldn't be much help in a battle against the Demon King of Incarceration. It might even hinder others or put them in danger. But your Moonlight Sword... might just work."

The specter pointed to the Moonlight Sword, taking note of the dangerous blend of elements within its radiance. Its power was so potent that even he, as the Incarnation of Destruction, felt threatened by its ominous light.

Eugene looked down at the Moonlight Sword in his hand. He knew to be careful not to get others swept up in his attacks when using the sword. The light it emitted was extremely dangerous and deadly.

Just the Moonlight Sword alone might not pose a big problem. Eugene was even more adept with it than Vermouth was three hundred years prior, and he had even changed its very nature. But if the specter were to join the fray as well, Sienna and the Saints would have to struggle with all their might just to stay in the fight, or else they would face the danger of being evacuated forcefully if not careful.

"If I fail to defeat you here and die," Eugene grimaced as he spoke, "What will you do afterward? Will you personally kill the others, too?"

"It's better to leave everyone with the possibility of the next era rather than just you,” came the answer.

"And after that?" asked Eugene.

He was no longer grimacing. Instead, all emotion had drained from his face, and his golden eyes had turned icy. The specter gave a dry laugh and shook his head.

"I'm dying,” admitted the specter.

It was a sudden statement but one without a trace of falsehood.

"Well, not quite… death, but dissipation. Either way, it won't be long before I'm gone,” continued the specter.

"It doesn't sound like you intend to take your own life,” Eugene said.

"It’s a type of dissipation that comes regardless of my will. Isn't that more fitting? The dark power of Destruction even leads the bound demons to self-destruct. And I'm not just bound by that dark power, but mixed with it,” answered the specter.

The specter's soul was created by Amelia, who gathered and mixed various souls to form it. His soul was blended with dark power and influenced by Vermouth’s will, leading to his transformation into the Incarnation of Destruction. It was only natural that his existence wasn’t stable.

"You might say I’m too extreme. But that’s only natural. I have no choice but to be extreme. I am destined to dissipate soon, but that doesn't matter. I should not have existed in the first place. However, I do have


, even if they are not originally mine, and the emotions that come with them. And after realizing all of it wasn't truly mine, I've also developed new emotions,” the specter said.

Eugene could understand.

"What I ultimately want isn't much different from your desire. I wish you would kill all the Demon Kings and achieve what couldn't be achieved three hundred years ago. I want you to reach a complete, stable peace this time. Fulfill the silly future you and your comrades dreamed of in the Devildom. And... rescue that overly secretive bastard Vermouth and give him a good thrashing,” he continued.

Eugene respected the decision the specter made.

"If it can't be achieved in this era, at least carry those aspirations into the next. That's why I'll use all my strength to kill you. If you're weaker than me, you'll never be able to defeat the Demon King of Incarceration," the specter declared.

The specter had made the best decision he could in the current circumstances. In the end, he could not see the future. He had no idea whether Eugene would challenge the Demon King of Incarceration and win or lose.

"You asked if… there's a need to continue fighting. You might think that way, but I can't. To me, this world is my last. And even if I weren't facing imminent dissipation…” Here, the specter paused.

Eugene gripped his sword.

Taking a breath, the specter continued, “I shouldn't be necessary in the battles you will face. You were the War God Agaroth, Hamel, and you are Eugene Lionheart, the Hero. You shouldn’t need the help of someone like me.”

The Holy Sword started to shine.

"Right," said Eugene.

The Moonlight Sword started glowing with pale moonlight.

"Fuck off,” Eugene yelled.

The sudden curse caused the specter’s expression to stiffen.

"Because I was Agaroth? Because I was Hamel? Because I am the Hero? Those aren't reasons enough for me to make a resolution or be considered grand,” Eugene said.

Dark flames started fluttering again.

"Am I special? Yes, I am special. But killing demons, slaying Demon Kings, saving the world…. Having such thoughts and resolutions aren't exclusive to gods, heroes, or warriors,” he continued.

He didn’t like it.

"If there's no hope in this era, then wait for the next? What about those who fought and died three hundred years ago? What about those in this era who've resolved to defeat the Demon Kings?" Eugene questioned.

He simply didn’t like it.

"I get that you're desperate. I understand your decision isn't entirely wrong. But I don't like your decision, and I hate your attitude of talking about the next time. So, I'll do as I please, just like you are doing what you please,” Eugene concluded.

The flames around him fluttered like a lion's mane, and the flames rising behind him formed a single wing.

"Let's stop testing the waters,” Eugene declared.

He released the two swords. But neither the Holy Sword nor the Moonlight Sword fell or faded. The two blades hovered in mid-air, and the light they emitted slowly began merging with Eugene’s dark flames.

"I’ll stop holding back and really go for it. Let’s end that too.”

Eugene slowly raised his left hand. He pointed his fist towards the specter, slowly turned his fist so that the palm faced the air, and raised his middle finger.

"If you want to kill me and test me, naturally, you should surpass my full strength,” Eugene declared.

He allocated all the available cards he had for a decisive win and to kill the opponent without a doubt.

He could not reverse Ignition once it was activated. It would last for about 10 minutes, after which he would be hit with the recoil. He would be incapacitated, and combat would become impossible. He could draw the Divine Sword three times. He had drawn it once already, so he had two more swings remaining.

The original plan was to actively use the Moonlight Sword and the Holy Sword while replacing Ignition with Prominence. In doing so, he could continue to battle and wear down the specter’s strength. He would wield the Divine Sword when the specter was visibly weakened. He would fight with the active support of the Saints, and if the battlefield stabilized, with Sienna’s support as well.

He could not use Ignition unless he was certain of an absolute kill. Originally, Ignition was a finishing move meant to ensure the opponent's death, with the readiness that failure would mean one's own demise. The strategy to win would be to activate Ignition and deliver the final blow with the Divine Sword when the specter was at his last straw, with the support of the Saints and Sienna. freewёbnoνel.com

This had been Eugene's formula for victory.

But now, he set his original plan aside.

What the specter, and by extension, Vermouth, wanted to see and test was Eugene's full strength.

The specter was dying.

"The Divine Sword,” said Eugene.

He pushed his right hand into his chest.

"Ignition is next, so brace yourself,” Eugene said confidently.

The specter couldn't help but let out a hollow laugh. Despite the dialogue aimed at understanding each other just moments ago, ultimately, nothing had changed.

The specter appreciated this unchangeability. It meant that Eugene respected the specter's decision.

There was no time to express gratitude.

The light of the swords wielded by the God of War and the Hero transformed into miracles through faith and reverence. His strikes cleaved the darkness in two.

1. The raws says 3 reincarnations, however, there's only been 3 lives, and 2 reincarnations. Agaroth being the oldest life, Hamel and Eugene being the reincarnations... unless Agaroth was also a reincarnation. But we dont know anything about that so far... ☜


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