Genshin Impact: Build A Prefecture With Walnut Tivat And Become A God

Genshin Impact: Build A Prefecture With Walnut Tivat And Become A God

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Chen Yue crossed the Tivat continent and became a ghost trapped at the intersection of yin and yang.Fortunately, he inherited the title of Mount Taishan Prefecture Lord, the leader of the prefecture, and grasped the map of the prefecture.He can rebuild the underworld, reshape the six paths of reincarnation, and confer titles to the ghosts and gods!The more perfect the construction of the underworld, the stronger its power will become!Walnuts! Sealing black impermanence!Xiangling! Feng Mengpo!When the underworld becomes more perfect, familiar figures appear one after another!The Four Great Yakshas!Dust demon god, come to an end!The first Thor, Baal!The first grass god, the great benevolent tree king!Water God Goddess, Fucarus!Years later.Chen Yue led everyone onto Sky Island and smiled slightly as he looked at the bewildered Tianli.Mount Taishan Prefecture, come on!Feilu Novel Network reminds you that this novel and its characters are purely fictional. If there are any similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.

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Chapter 1: Arriving At Tivat For The First Time, Leading Walnuts To Build A Land MansionChapter Three: The Selection Of Meng Po, First Meeting TravelerChapter 2: Walnut Goddess, Black Impermanence!Chapter 4: The Mutation Of The Eye Of GodChapter 8: The Defensive Zhong LiChapter 7: The Appearance Of Minerals Carrying Yin Energy!Chapter 6: Yin Qi Elements Appear!!?Chapter 5: The Elemental Power Strengthened By Yin Qi!Chapter 11: Initial Planning And Difficulty In Seeking Mineral ResourcesChapter 9: The Eye Of Yin Qi And God Descends To The WorldChapter 13: Manzhu ShahuaChapter 15: Zhong Li's Belief.Chapter 10: First Sight Of Sweet Rain And Condensed LightChapter 14: Zhong Li's First Arrival In The UnderworldChapter 18: Furious GuobaChapter 19: The Fatal Temptation From Chen YueChapter 12: Ghosts Should Not Be Afraid Of Falling To Death!Chapter 22: Selecting Ores!Chapter 25: Investigation, Unexpected ProactivityChapter 16: Go To Mount AozangChapter 24: Visitors From All PartiesChapter 21: The Great Battle Of The UnderworldChapter 17: Assembly Of The Battlefield Ceiling TeamChapter 23: Unexpected Heavenly PunishmentChapter 20: Meng Po Returns To Her Throne!Chapter 26: Shura Field, What Is Wax For Cold Coating?Chapter 27: Chen Yue Is Also A Traveler?Chapter 28: Stupid Thieves Without Eyes!Chapter 32: The Dragon Is Just A Food!Chapter 31: Inviting Immortal Classic Ceremony, Not Being With SomeoneChapter 29: Shen He's Secret Weapons!Chapter 38: This Is Really Not A Scam!Chapter 30: What's Wrong With The Celestial Sha Lonely Star?Chapter 33: Death PlaybackChapter 36, Chapter 77: Fengshen?Chapter 39: Liyue's Group Pet Comes!Chapter 37: The Era Of Automation Comes!Chapter 34: Little Zombies, Let's Drink Coconut MilkChapter 40: May Chen Yue Deceive You!Chapter 35: True Name, Empress Dowager, Please Refer To It!Chapter 41: This Is My Ranch!Chapter 42: My Fast, Please Hold Back!Chapter 43: Yunlai Octopus Ginseng Part 1Chapter 44: What Else Can You Do!?Chapter 45: Qianyan! Qianyan!Chapter 47: Assembly Of Three People Team!Chapter 46: Her Name Is Ningguang! Mount Taishan Mansion Is Coming!Chapter 49: Yunlai Big Octopus?Chapter 48: Just Moving Home, OthelloChapter 51: The Plan For The Power Of Faith!Chapter 50:? The Agreed Root Is Just Sprouting Red!?

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